public abstract class AsyncQueryHandler
extends Handler
java.lang.Object | ||
android.os.Handler | ||
android.content.AsyncQueryHandler |
一个帮助器类,帮助更轻松地处理异步 ContentResolver
Nested classes |
class |
class |
Public constructors |
AsyncQueryHandler(ContentResolver cr) |
公共方法(Public methods) |
final void |
cancelOperation(int token) 试图取消尚未开始的操作。 |
void |
handleMessage(Message msg) 子类必须实现这个才能接收消息。 |
final void |
startDelete(int token, Object cookie, Uri uri, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) 该方法开始异步删除。 |
final void |
startInsert(int token, Object cookie, Uri uri, ContentValues initialValues) 该方法开始一个异步插入。 |
void |
startQuery(int token, Object cookie, Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String orderBy) 此方法开始一个异步查询。 |
final void |
startUpdate(int token, Object cookie, Uri uri, ContentValues values, String selection, String[] selectionArgs) 此方法开始异步更新。 |
Protected methods |
Handler |
createHandler(Looper looper) |
void |
onDeleteComplete(int token, Object cookie, int result) 当异步删除完成时调用。 |
void |
onInsertComplete(int token, Object cookie, Uri uri) 当异步插入完成时调用。 |
void |
onQueryComplete(int token, Object cookie, Cursor cursor) 当异步查询完成时调用。 |
void |
onUpdateComplete(int token, Object cookie, int result) 当异步更新完成时调用。 |
继承方法(Inherited methods) |
![]() android.os.Handler
![]() java.lang.Object
AsyncQueryHandler (ContentResolver cr)
参数(Parameters) | |
cr |
void cancelOperation (int token)
试图取消尚未开始的操作。 请注意,不保证该操作将被取消。 在此通话完成后,他们仍可能会导致[查询/插入/更新/删除]完成。
参数(Parameters) | |
token |
int : The token representing the operation to be canceled. If multiple operations have the same token they will all be canceled. |
void handleMessage (Message msg)
参数(Parameters) | |
msg |
void startDelete (int token, Object cookie, Uri uri, String selection, String[] selectionArgs)
该方法开始异步删除。 删除操作完成onDeleteComplete(int, Object, int)
,调用onDeleteComplete(int, Object, int)
参数(Parameters) | |
token |
int : A token passed into onDeleteComplete(int, Object, int) to identify the delete operation. |
cookie |
Object : An object that gets passed into onDeleteComplete(int, Object, int) |
uri |
Uri : the Uri passed to the delete operation. |
selection |
String : the where clause. |
selectionArgs |
void startInsert (int token, Object cookie, Uri uri, ContentValues initialValues)
该方法开始一个异步插入。 当插入操作完成onInsertComplete(int, Object, Uri)
,调用onInsertComplete(int, Object, Uri)
参数(Parameters) | |
token |
int : A token passed into onInsertComplete(int, Object, Uri) to identify the insert operation. |
cookie |
Object : An object that gets passed into onInsertComplete(int, Object, Uri) |
uri |
Uri : the Uri passed to the insert operation. |
initialValues |
ContentValues : the ContentValues parameter passed to the insert operation. |
void startQuery (int token, Object cookie, Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs, String orderBy)
此方法开始一个异步查询。 查询完成onQueryComplete(int, Object, Cursor)
,调用onQueryComplete(int, Object, Cursor)
参数(Parameters) | |
token |
int : A token passed into onQueryComplete(int, Object, Cursor) to identify the query. |
cookie |
Object : An object that gets passed into onQueryComplete(int, Object, Cursor) |
uri |
Uri : The URI, using the content:// scheme, for the content to retrieve. |
projection |
String : A list of which columns to return. Passing null will return all columns, which is discouraged to prevent reading data from storage that isn't going to be used. |
selection |
String : A filter declaring which rows to return, formatted as an SQL WHERE clause (excluding the WHERE itself). Passing null will return all rows for the given URI. |
selectionArgs |
String : You may include ?s in selection, which will be replaced by the values from selectionArgs, in the order that they appear in the selection. The values will be bound as Strings. |
orderBy |
String : How to order the rows, formatted as an SQL ORDER BY clause (excluding the ORDER BY itself). Passing null will use the default sort order, which may be unordered. |
void startUpdate (int token, Object cookie, Uri uri, ContentValues values, String selection, String[] selectionArgs)
此方法开始异步更新。 更新操作完成onUpdateComplete(int, Object, int)
,调用onUpdateComplete(int, Object, int)
参数(Parameters) | |
token |
int : A token passed into onUpdateComplete(int, Object, int) to identify the update operation. |
cookie |
Object : An object that gets passed into onUpdateComplete(int, Object, int) |
uri |
Uri : the Uri passed to the update operation. |
values |
ContentValues : the ContentValues parameter passed to the update operation. |
selection |
selectionArgs |
Handler createHandler (Looper looper)
参数(Parameters) | |
looper |
返回(Returns) | |
Handler |
void onDeleteComplete (int token, Object cookie, int result)
参数(Parameters) | |
token |
int : the token to identify the query, passed in from startDelete(int, Object, Uri, String, String[]) . |
cookie |
Object : the cookie object that's passed in from startDelete(int, Object, Uri, String, String[]) . |
result |
int : the result returned from the delete operation |
void onInsertComplete (int token, Object cookie, Uri uri)
参数(Parameters) | |
token |
int : the token to identify the query, passed in from startInsert(int, Object, Uri, ContentValues) . |
cookie |
Object : the cookie object that's passed in from startInsert(int, Object, Uri, ContentValues) . |
uri |
Uri : the uri returned from the insert operation. |
void onQueryComplete (int token, Object cookie, Cursor cursor)
参数(Parameters) | |
token |
int : the token to identify the query, passed in from startQuery(int, Object, Uri, String[], String, String[], String) . |
cookie |
Object : the cookie object passed in from startQuery(int, Object, Uri, String[], String, String[], String) . |
cursor |
Cursor : The cursor holding the results from the query. |
void onUpdateComplete (int token, Object cookie, int result)
参数(Parameters) | |
token |
int : the token to identify the query, passed in from startUpdate(int, Object, Uri, ContentValues, String, String[]) . |
cookie |
Object : the cookie object that's passed in from startUpdate(int, Object, Uri, ContentValues, String, String[]) . |
result |
int : the result returned from the update operation |