public class MeasureFormat
extends UFormat
java.lang.Object | |||
java.text.Format | ||| | ||| |
要格式化一个Measure对象,首先使用MeasureFormat工厂方法创建一个格式化对象。 然后使用该对象的格式或formatMeasures方法。 以下是示例代码:
MeasureFormat fmtFr = MeasureFormat.getInstance( ULocale.FRENCH, FormatWidth.SHORT); Measure measure = new Measure(23, MeasureUnit.CELSIUS); // Output: 23 °C System.out.println(fmtFr.format(measure)); Measure measureF = new Measure(70, MeasureUnit.FAHRENHEIT); // Output: 70 °F System.out.println(fmtFr.format(measureF)); MeasureFormat fmtFrFull = MeasureFormat.getInstance( ULocale.FRENCH, FormatWidth.WIDE); // Output: 70 pieds et 5,3 pouces System.out.println(fmtFrFull.formatMeasures( new Measure(70, MeasureUnit.FOOT), new Measure(5.3, MeasureUnit.INCH))); // Output: 1 pied et 1 pouce System.out.println(fmtFrFull.formatMeasures( new Measure(1, MeasureUnit.FOOT), new Measure(1, MeasureUnit.INCH))); MeasureFormat fmtFrNarrow = MeasureFormat.getInstance( ULocale.FRENCH, FormatWidth.NARROW); // Output: 1′ 1″ System.out.println(fmtFrNarrow.formatMeasures( new Measure(1, MeasureUnit.FOOT), new Measure(1, MeasureUnit.INCH))); MeasureFormat fmtEn = MeasureFormat.getInstance(ULocale.ENGLISH, FormatWidth.WIDE); // Output: 1 inch, 2 feet fmtEn.formatMeasures( new Measure(1, MeasureUnit.INCH), new Measure(2, MeasureUnit.FOOT));
这个班级不会从一个单位转换到另一个单位。 它只是格式化它给出的任何单位
只要不推荐使用不推荐使用的子类TimeUnitFormat,该类就不可变且线程安全。 TimeUnitFormat不是线程安全的,并且是可变的。 虽然这个类有现有的子类,但这个类不支持新的子类。
Nested classes |
枚举 |
MeasureFormat.FormatWidth 格式化宽度枚举。 |
公共方法(Public methods) |
final boolean |
equals(Object other) 当且仅当它们具有相同的formatWidth,locale和相等的数字格式时,两个MeasureFormats a和b才相等。 |
StringBuffer |
format(Object obj, StringBuffer toAppendTo, FieldPosition pos) 能够格式化收藏<? 扩展Measure>,Measure [],并通过委托formatMeasures进行度量。 |
StringBuilder |
formatMeasures(StringBuilder appendTo, FieldPosition fieldPosition, Measure... measures) 格式化一系列措施。 |
final String |
formatMeasures(Measure... measures) 格式化一系列措施。 |
static MeasureFormat |
getCurrencyFormat() 为默认的 |
static MeasureFormat |
getCurrencyFormat(Locale locale) 返回给定 |
static MeasureFormat |
getCurrencyFormat(ULocale locale) 返回给定语言环境中CurrencyAmount对象的格式化程序。 |
static MeasureFormat |
getInstance(Locale locale, MeasureFormat.FormatWidth formatWidth, NumberFormat format) 从 |
static MeasureFormat |
getInstance(Locale locale, MeasureFormat.FormatWidth formatWidth) 从 |
static MeasureFormat |
getInstance(ULocale locale, MeasureFormat.FormatWidth formatWidth) 根据语言环境,格式宽度和格式创建格式。 |
static MeasureFormat |
getInstance(ULocale locale, MeasureFormat.FormatWidth formatWidth, NumberFormat format) 根据语言环境,格式宽度和格式创建格式。 |
final ULocale |
getLocale() 获取此实例的区域设置。 |
NumberFormat |
getNumberFormat() 获取数字格式的副本。 |
MeasureFormat.FormatWidth |
getWidth() 获取此实例正在使用的格式宽度。 |
final int |
hashCode() 返回对象的哈希码值。 |
继承方法(Inherited methods) |
![]() java.text.Format
![]() java.lang.Object
boolean equals (Object other)
当且仅当它们具有相同的formatWidth,locale和相等的数字格式时,两个MeasureFormats a和b才相等。
参数(Parameters) | |
other |
Object : the reference object with which to compare. |
返回(Returns) | |
boolean |
true if this object is the same as the obj argument; false otherwise. |
StringBuffer format (Object obj, StringBuffer toAppendTo, FieldPosition pos)
能够格式化收藏<? 扩展Measure>,Measure [],并通过委托formatMeasures进行度量。 如果pos参数标识NumberFormat字段,则其索引将设置为遇到的第一个此类字段的开头和结尾。 MeasureFormat本身不提供任何字段。 调用formatMeasures
参数(Parameters) | |
obj |
Object : must be a Collection<? extends Measure>, Measure[], or Measure object. |
toAppendTo |
StringBuffer : Formatted string appended here. |
pos |
FieldPosition : Identifies a field in the formatted text. |
返回(Returns) | |
StringBuffer |
the string buffer passed in as toAppendTo , with formatted text appended |
StringBuilder formatMeasures (StringBuilder appendTo, FieldPosition fieldPosition, Measure... measures)
格式化一系列措施。 如果fieldPosition参数标识一个NumberFormat字段,则其索引被设置为遇到的第一个这样的字段的开始和结尾。 MeasureFormat本身不提供任何字段。
参数(Parameters) | |
appendTo |
StringBuilder : the formatted string appended here. |
fieldPosition |
FieldPosition : Identifies a field in the formatted text. |
measures |
Measure : the measures to format. |
返回(Returns) | |
StringBuilder |
appendTo. |
String formatMeasures (Measure... measures)
格式化一系列措施。 使用ListFormatter单位列表。 因此,例如,可以格式为“3英尺2英寸”。 零值被格式化(例如,“3英尺,0英寸”)。 呼叫者有责任按适当的顺序获得适当的值,并使用适当的数值。 通常情况下,单位应该降序排列,除了最后一个度量值之外的所有值都具有整数值(例如,不是“3.2英尺,2英寸”)。
参数(Parameters) | |
measures |
Measure : a sequence of one or more measures. |
返回(Returns) | |
String |
the formatted string. |
MeasureFormat getCurrencyFormat ()
返回(Returns) | |
MeasureFormat |
a formatter object |
MeasureFormat getCurrencyFormat (Locale locale)
返回给定 Locale
参数(Parameters) | |
locale |
Locale : desired Locale |
返回(Returns) | |
MeasureFormat |
a formatter object |
MeasureFormat getCurrencyFormat (ULocale locale)
参数(Parameters) | |
locale |
ULocale : desired locale |
返回(Returns) | |
MeasureFormat |
a formatter object |
MeasureFormat getInstance (Locale locale, MeasureFormat.FormatWidth formatWidth, NumberFormat format)
从 Locale
参数(Parameters) | |
locale |
Locale : the Locale . |
formatWidth |
MeasureFormat.FormatWidth : hints how long formatted strings should be. |
format |
NumberFormat : This is defensively copied. |
返回(Returns) | |
MeasureFormat |
The new MeasureFormat object. |
MeasureFormat getInstance (Locale locale, MeasureFormat.FormatWidth formatWidth)
从 Locale
参数(Parameters) | |
locale |
Locale : the Locale . |
formatWidth |
MeasureFormat.FormatWidth : hints how long formatted strings should be. |
返回(Returns) | |
MeasureFormat |
The new MeasureFormat object. |
MeasureFormat getInstance (ULocale locale, MeasureFormat.FormatWidth formatWidth)
参数(Parameters) | |
locale |
ULocale : the locale. |
formatWidth |
MeasureFormat.FormatWidth : hints how long formatted strings should be. |
返回(Returns) | |
MeasureFormat |
The new MeasureFormat object. |
MeasureFormat getInstance (ULocale locale, MeasureFormat.FormatWidth formatWidth, NumberFormat format)
参数(Parameters) | |
locale |
ULocale : the locale. |
formatWidth |
MeasureFormat.FormatWidth : hints how long formatted strings should be. |
format |
NumberFormat : This is defensively copied. |
返回(Returns) | |
MeasureFormat |
The new MeasureFormat object. |
NumberFormat getNumberFormat ()
返回(Returns) | |
NumberFormat |
MeasureFormat.FormatWidth getWidth ()
返回(Returns) | |
MeasureFormat.FormatWidth |
int hashCode ()
返回对象的哈希码值。 此方法支持哈希表的好处,例如HashMap
method must consistently return the same integer, provided no information used in equals
comparisons on the object is modified. This integer need not remain consistent from one execution of an application to another execution of the same application. equals(Object)
method, then calling the hashCode
method on each of the two objects must produce the same integer result. equals(java.lang.Object)
method, then calling the hashCode
method on each of the two objects must produce distinct integer results. However, the programmer should be aware that producing distinct integer results for unequal objects may improve the performance of hash tables. 尽可能合理实用,由类Object
定义的hashCode方法确实为不同的对象返回不同的整数。 (这通常通过将对象的内部地址转换为整数来实现,但Java TM编程语言不需要此实现技术。)
返回(Returns) | |
int |
a hash code value for this object. |