public class RemoteViews
extends Object
implements Parcelable, LayoutInflater.Filter
java.lang.Object | |
android.widget.RemoteViews |
描述可以在另一个进程中显示的视图层次结构的类。 层次结构从布局资源文件中膨胀,此类提供了一些用于修改充气层次结构内容的基本操作。
Nested classes |
class |
RemoteViews.ActionException 执行某个操作时发生错误时发送的例外情况 |
@interface |
RemoteViews.RemoteView 这个注释表明View的一个子类被用于 |
Inherited constants |
![]() android.os.Parcelable
Fields |
public static final Creator<RemoteViews> |
CREATOR Parcelable.Creator实例化RemoteViews对象 |
Public constructors |
RemoteViews(String packageName, int layoutId) 创建一个新的RemoteViews对象,该对象将显示包含在指定布局文件中的视图。 |
RemoteViews(RemoteViews landscape, RemoteViews portrait) 根据当前配置创建一个新的RemoteViews对象,该对象将充气为指定的逻辑空间或纵向RemoteViews。 |
RemoteViews(Parcel parcel) 从宗地中读取RemoteViews对象。 |
公共方法(Public methods) |
void |
addView(int viewId, RemoteViews nestedView) 相当于调用 |
View |
apply(Context context, ViewGroup parent) 膨胀由此对象表示的视图层次并应用所有操作。 |
RemoteViews |
clone() 创建并返回此对象的副本。 |
int |
describeContents() 描述此Parcelable实例的封送表示中包含的特殊对象的种类。 |
int |
getLayoutId() 返回与此RemoteView关联的根布局的布局ID。 |
String |
getPackage() |
boolean |
onLoadClass(Class clazz) 挂钩以允许LayoutInflater的客户端限制允许被夸大的视图集合。 |
void |
reapply(Context context, View v) 将所有操作应用于提供的视图。 |
void |
removeAllViews(int viewId) 相当于拨打 |
void |
setAccessibilityTraversalAfter(int viewId, int nextId) |
void |
setAccessibilityTraversalBefore(int viewId, int nextId) |
void |
setBitmap(int viewId, String methodName, Bitmap value) 在此RemoteViews的布局视图中调用一个采用一个位图的方法。 |
void |
setBoolean(int viewId, String methodName, boolean value) 在这个RemoteViews的布局的视图中调用一个采用一个布尔值的方法。 |
void |
setBundle(int viewId, String methodName, Bundle value) 在此RemoteViews的布局的视图中调用一个采用一个Bundle的方法。 |
void |
setByte(int viewId, String methodName, byte value) 在此RemoteViews的布局中,调用视图中占用一个字节的方法。 |
void |
setChar(int viewId, String methodName, char value) 在这个RemoteViews的布局中调用一个视图上的一个字符的方法。 |
void |
setCharSequence(int viewId, String methodName, CharSequence value) 调用此RemoteViews的布局中的视图上的一个CharSequence。 |
void |
setChronometer(int viewId, long base, String format, boolean started) 相当于调用 |
void |
setChronometerCountDown(int viewId, boolean isCountDown) 相当于在具有给定viewId的计时器上调用 |
void |
setContentDescription(int viewId, CharSequence contentDescription) 相当于调用View.setContentDescription(CharSequence)。 |
void |
setDisplayedChild(int viewId, int childIndex) 相当于拨打 |
void |
setDouble(int viewId, String methodName, double value) 在这个RemoteViews的布局中调用一个在视图中占用一倍的方法。 |
void |
setEmptyView(int viewId, int emptyViewId) 相当于调用AdapterView.setEmptyView |
void |
setFloat(int viewId, String methodName, float value) 调用此RemoteViews的布局中的视图上的浮动视图。 |
void |
setIcon(int viewId, String methodName, Icon value) 调用此RemoteViews的布局中的视图上的一个图标。 |
void |
setImageViewBitmap(int viewId, Bitmap bitmap) 相当于调用ImageView.setImageBitmap |
void |
setImageViewIcon(int viewId, Icon icon) 相当于调用ImageView.setImageIcon |
void |
setImageViewResource(int viewId, int srcId) 相当于调用ImageView.setImageResource |
void |
setImageViewUri(int viewId, Uri uri) 等同于调用ImageView.setImageURI |
void |
setInt(int viewId, String methodName, int value) 调用此RemoteViews的布局视图中的一个int值的方法。 |
void |
setIntent(int viewId, String methodName, Intent value) 在此RemoteViews的布局的视图中调用一个采用一个Intent的方法。 |
void |
setLabelFor(int viewId, int labeledId) 相当于调用View.setLabelFor(int)。 |
void |
setLong(int viewId, String methodName, long value) 在这个RemoteViews的布局的视图中调用一个占用一个long的方法。 |
void |
setOnClickFillInIntent(int viewId, Intent fillInIntent) 当使用集合(例如。 |
void |
setOnClickPendingIntent(int viewId, PendingIntent pendingIntent) 相当于拨打 |
void |
setPendingIntentTemplate(int viewId, PendingIntent pendingIntentTemplate) 当使用集合(例如。 |
void |
setProgressBar(int viewId, int max, int progress, boolean indeterminate) 相当于调用 |
void |
setRelativeScrollPosition(int viewId, int offset) 相当于拨打 |
void |
setRemoteAdapter(int appWidgetId, int viewId, Intent intent) 此方法在API级别14中已被弃用。此方法已被弃用。 见 |
void |
setRemoteAdapter(int viewId, Intent intent) 相当于拨打 |
void |
setScrollPosition(int viewId, int position) 相当于拨打 |
void |
setShort(int viewId, String methodName, short value) 在这个RemoteViews的布局的视图中调用一个简短的方法。 |
void |
setString(int viewId, String methodName, String value) 在此RemoteViews的布局的视图中调用一个采用一个字符串的方法。 |
void |
setTextColor(int viewId, int color) 相当于拨打 |
void |
setTextViewCompoundDrawables(int viewId, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) 相当于拨打 |
void |
setTextViewCompoundDrawablesRelative(int viewId, int start, int top, int end, int bottom) 相当于拨打 |
void |
setTextViewText(int viewId, CharSequence text) 相当于调用TextView.setText |
void |
setTextViewTextSize(int viewId, int units, float size) 相当于拨打 |
void |
setUri(int viewId, String methodName, Uri value) 在这个RemoteViews的布局的视图中调用一个采用一个Uri的方法。 |
void |
setViewPadding(int viewId, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) 相当于拨打 |
void |
setViewVisibility(int viewId, int visibility) 等同于调用View.setVisibility |
void |
showNext(int viewId) 相当于拨打 |
void |
showPrevious(int viewId) 相当于拨打 |
void |
writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) 将此对象平铺到一个包裹中。 |
继承方法(Inherited methods) |
![]() java.lang.Object
![]() android.os.Parcelable
![]() android.view.LayoutInflater.Filter
RemoteViews (String packageName, int layoutId)
参数(Parameters) | |
packageName |
String : Name of the package that contains the layout resource |
layoutId |
int : The id of the layout resource |
RemoteViews (RemoteViews landscape, RemoteViews portrait)
参数(Parameters) | |
landscape |
RemoteViews : The RemoteViews to inflate in landscape configuration |
portrait |
RemoteViews : The RemoteViews to inflate in portrait configuration |
void addView (int viewId, RemoteViews nestedView)
。 这允许用户构建“嵌套” RemoteViews
。 如果RemoteViews
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the parent ViewGroup to add child into. |
nestedView |
RemoteViews : RemoteViews that describes the child. |
View apply (Context context, ViewGroup parent)
参数(Parameters) | |
context |
Context : Default context to use |
parent |
ViewGroup : Parent that the resulting view hierarchy will be attached to. This method does not attach the hierarchy. The caller should do so when appropriate. |
返回(Returns) | |
View |
The inflated view hierarchy |
RemoteViews clone ()
创建并返回此对象的副本。 “复制”的确切含义可能取决于对象的类别。 一般意图是,对于任何对象x
will be true, and that the expression:x.clone() != x
will bex.clone().getClass() == x.getClass()
, but these are not absolute requirements. While it is typically the case that:
will bex.clone().equals(x)
, this is not an absolute requirement.
来获得。 如果一个类和它的所有超类( Object
除外)都遵守这个约定,那将是这样的情况,即x.clone().getClass() == x.getClass()
按照惯例,这个方法返回的对象应该独立于这个对象(被克隆)。 为了实现这种独立性,可能需要在返回super.clone
之前修改对象的一个或多个字段。 通常,这意味着复制包含被克隆对象的内部“深层结构”的任何可变对象,并将这些对象的引用替换为对这些副本的引用。 如果一个类仅包含原始字段或对不可变对象的引用,那么通常情况下不需要修改super.clone
执行特定的克隆操作。 首先,如果该对象的类没有实现接口Cloneable
。 请注意,所有数组都被视为实现接口Cloneable
,其中T是任何引用或基本类型。 否则,此方法创建该对象的类的新实例,并使用该对象的相应字段的内容来初始化其所有字段,就像通过赋值一样; 这些字段的内容本身并不克隆。 因此,此方法执行此对象的“浅拷贝”,而不是“深拷贝”操作。
类 Object
本身并未实现接口 Cloneable
,因此在类 Object
的对象上调用 clone
返回(Returns) | |
RemoteViews |
a clone of this instance. |
int describeContents ()
描述此Parcelable实例的封送表示中包含的特殊对象的种类。 例如,如果对象在writeToParcel(Parcel, int)
的输出中包含writeToParcel(Parcel, int)
返回(Returns) | |
int |
a bitmask indicating the set of special object types marshaled by this Parcelable object instance. |
int getLayoutId ()
返回与此RemoteView关联的根布局的布局ID。 在RemoteViews同时具有横向和纵向根的情况下,这将返回与纵向布局关联的布局ID。
返回(Returns) | |
int |
the layout id. |
boolean onLoadClass (Class clazz)
参数(Parameters) | |
clazz |
Class : The class object for the View that is about to be inflated |
返回(Returns) | |
boolean |
True if this class is allowed to be inflated, or false otherwise |
void reapply (Context context, View v)
参数(Parameters) | |
context |
v |
View : The view to apply the actions to. This should be the result of the apply(Context, ViewGroup) call. |
void removeAllViews (int viewId)
相当于拨打 removeAllViews()
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the parent ViewGroup to remove all children from. |
void setAccessibilityTraversalAfter (int viewId, int nextId)
相当于拨打 setAccessibilityTraversalAfter(int)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view whose after view in accessibility traversal to set. |
nextId |
int : The id of the next in the accessibility traversal. |
void setAccessibilityTraversalBefore (int viewId, int nextId)
相当于拨打 setAccessibilityTraversalBefore(int)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view whose before view in accessibility traversal to set. |
nextId |
int : The id of the next in the accessibility traversal. |
void setBitmap (int viewId, String methodName, Bitmap value)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view on which to call the method. |
methodName |
String : The name of the method to call. |
value |
Bitmap : The value to pass to the method. |
void setBoolean (int viewId, String methodName, boolean value)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view on which to call the method. |
methodName |
String : The name of the method to call. |
value |
boolean : The value to pass to the method. |
void setBundle (int viewId, String methodName, Bundle value)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view on which to call the method. |
methodName |
String : The name of the method to call. |
value |
Bundle : The value to pass to the method. |
void setByte (int viewId, String methodName, byte value)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view on which to call the method. |
methodName |
String : The name of the method to call. |
value |
byte : The value to pass to the method. |
void setChar (int viewId, String methodName, char value)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view on which to call the method. |
methodName |
String : The name of the method to call. |
value |
char : The value to pass to the method. |
void setCharSequence (int viewId, String methodName, CharSequence value)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view on which to call the method. |
methodName |
String : The name of the method to call. |
value |
CharSequence : The value to pass to the method. |
void setChronometer (int viewId, long base, String format, boolean started)
相当于调用 Chronometer.setBase
, Chronometer.setFormat
,并 Chronometer.start()
或者 Chronometer.stop()
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the Chronometer to change |
base |
long : The time at which the timer would have read 0:00. This time should be based off of SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() . |
format |
String : The Chronometer format string, or null to simply display the timer value. |
started |
boolean : True if you want the clock to be started, false if not. |
void setChronometerCountDown (int viewId, boolean isCountDown)
相当于在具有给定viewId的计时器上调用 Chronometer.setCountDown
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the Chronometer to change |
isCountDown |
boolean : True if you want the chronometer to count down to base instead of counting up. |
void setContentDescription (int viewId, CharSequence contentDescription)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view whose content description should change. |
contentDescription |
CharSequence : The new content description for the view. |
void setDisplayedChild (int viewId, int childIndex)
相当于拨打 setDisplayedChild(int)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view on which to call setDisplayedChild(int) |
childIndex |
void setDouble (int viewId, String methodName, double value)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view on which to call the method. |
methodName |
String : The name of the method to call. |
value |
double : The value to pass to the method. |
void setEmptyView (int viewId, int emptyViewId)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view on which to set the empty view |
emptyViewId |
int : The view id of the empty view |
void setFloat (int viewId, String methodName, float value)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view on which to call the method. |
methodName |
String : The name of the method to call. |
value |
float : The value to pass to the method. |
void setIcon (int viewId, String methodName, Icon value)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view on which to call the method. |
methodName |
String : The name of the method to call. |
value |
Icon : The Icon to pass the method. |
void setImageViewBitmap (int viewId, Bitmap bitmap)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view whose bitmap should change |
bitmap |
Bitmap : The new Bitmap for the drawable |
void setImageViewIcon (int viewId, Icon icon)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view whose bitmap should change |
icon |
Icon : The new Icon for the ImageView |
void setImageViewResource (int viewId, int srcId)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view whose drawable should change |
srcId |
int : The new resource id for the drawable |
void setImageViewUri (int viewId, Uri uri)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view whose drawable should change |
uri |
Uri : The Uri for the image |
void setInt (int viewId, String methodName, int value)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view on which to call the method. |
methodName |
String : The name of the method to call. |
value |
int : The value to pass to the method. |
void setIntent (int viewId, String methodName, Intent value)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view on which to call the method. |
methodName |
String : The name of the method to call. |
value |
Intent : The Intent to pass the method. |
void setLabelFor (int viewId, int labeledId)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view whose property to set. |
labeledId |
int : The id of a view for which this view serves as a label. |
void setLong (int viewId, String methodName, long value)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view on which to call the method. |
methodName |
String : The name of the method to call. |
value |
long : The value to pass to the method. |
void setOnClickFillInIntent (int viewId, Intent fillInIntent)
, StackView
等)在窗口小部件,它是非常昂贵的对单个项目设置PendingIntents,并且因此不允许的。 相反,可以在集合上设置单个PendingIntent模板,请参阅setPendingIntentTemplate(int, PendingIntent)
,并且可以通过在该项目上设置fillInIntent来区分给定项目的单个单击操作。 然后将fillInIntent与PendingIntent模板组合,以确定单击该项目时将执行的最终意图。 它的工作原理如下:任何在PendingIntent模板中留白但由fillInIntent提供的字段将被覆盖,并且将使用生成的PendingIntent。 PendingIntent模板的相关字段将填充fillInIntent中设置的相关字段。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅fillIn(Intent, int)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view on which to set the fillInIntent |
fillInIntent |
Intent : The intent which will be combined with the parent's PendingIntent in order to determine the on-click behavior of the view specified by viewId |
void setOnClickPendingIntent (int viewId, PendingIntent pendingIntent)
。 设置项目的集合内的点击动作(如ListView
, StackView
等),这种方法是行不通的。 相反,使用{@link RemoteViews#setPendingIntentTemplate(int,PendingIntent)与RemoteViews#setOnClickFillInIntent(int,Intent)结合使用。
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view that will trigger the PendingIntent when clicked |
pendingIntent |
PendingIntent : The PendingIntent to send when user clicks |
void setPendingIntentTemplate (int viewId, PendingIntent pendingIntentTemplate)
, StackView
等)在窗口小部件,它是非常昂贵的对单个项目设置PendingIntents,并且因此不允许的。 相反,应该使用此方法在集合上设置单个PendingIntent模板,并且使用setOnClickFillInIntent(int, Intent)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the collection who's children will use this PendingIntent template when clicked |
pendingIntentTemplate |
PendingIntent : The PendingIntent to be combined with extras specified by a child of viewId and executed when that child is clicked |
void setProgressBar (int viewId, int max, int progress, boolean indeterminate)
相当于调用 ProgressBar.setMax
, ProgressBar.setProgress
,并 ProgressBar.setIndeterminate
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the ProgressBar to change |
max |
int : The 100% value for the progress bar |
progress |
int : The current value of the progress bar. |
indeterminate |
boolean : True if the progress bar is indeterminate, false if not. |
void setRelativeScrollPosition (int viewId, int offset)
相当于拨打 smoothScrollToPosition(int, int)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view to change |
offset |
int : Scroll by this adapter position offset |
void setRemoteAdapter (int appWidgetId, int viewId, Intent intent)
此方法已被弃用。 见setRemoteAdapter(int, Intent)
相当于拨打 setRemoteViewsAdapter(Intent)
参数(Parameters) | |
appWidgetId |
int : The id of the app widget which contains the specified view. (This parameter is ignored in this deprecated method) |
viewId |
int : The id of the AdapterView |
intent |
Intent : The intent of the service which will be providing data to the RemoteViewsAdapter |
void setRemoteAdapter (int viewId, Intent intent)
。 只能用于App Widgets。
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the AdapterView |
intent |
Intent : The intent of the service which will be providing data to the RemoteViewsAdapter |
void setScrollPosition (int viewId, int position)
相当于拨打 smoothScrollToPosition(int, int)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view to change |
position |
int : Scroll to this adapter position |
void setShort (int viewId, String methodName, short value)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view on which to call the method. |
methodName |
String : The name of the method to call. |
value |
short : The value to pass to the method. |
void setString (int viewId, String methodName, String value)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view on which to call the method. |
methodName |
String : The name of the method to call. |
value |
String : The value to pass to the method. |
void setTextColor (int viewId, int color)
相当于拨打 setTextColor(int)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view whose text color should change |
color |
int : Sets the text color for all the states (normal, selected, focused) to be this color. |
void setTextViewCompoundDrawables (int viewId, int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
相当于拨打 setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds(int, int, int, int)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view whose text should change |
left |
int : The id of a drawable to place to the left of the text, or 0 |
top |
int : The id of a drawable to place above the text, or 0 |
right |
int : The id of a drawable to place to the right of the text, or 0 |
bottom |
int : The id of a drawable to place below the text, or 0 |
void setTextViewCompoundDrawablesRelative (int viewId, int start, int top, int end, int bottom)
相当于拨打 setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds(int, int, int, int)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view whose text should change |
start |
int : The id of a drawable to place before the text (relative to the layout direction), or 0 |
top |
int : The id of a drawable to place above the text, or 0 |
end |
int : The id of a drawable to place after the text, or 0 |
bottom |
int : The id of a drawable to place below the text, or 0 |
void setTextViewText (int viewId, CharSequence text)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view whose text should change |
text |
CharSequence : The new text for the view |
void setTextViewTextSize (int viewId, int units, float size)
相当于拨打 setTextSize(int, float)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view whose text size should change |
units |
int : The units of size (e.g. COMPLEX_UNIT_SP) |
size |
float : The size of the text |
void setUri (int viewId, String methodName, Uri value)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view on which to call the method. |
methodName |
String : The name of the method to call. |
value |
Uri : The value to pass to the method. |
void setViewPadding (int viewId, int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
相当于拨打 setPadding(int, int, int, int)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view to change |
left |
int : the left padding in pixels |
top |
int : the top padding in pixels |
right |
int : the right padding in pixels |
bottom |
int : the bottom padding in pixels |
void setViewVisibility (int viewId, int visibility)
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view whose visibility should change |
visibility |
int : The new visibility for the view |
void showNext (int viewId)
相当于拨打 showNext()
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view on which to call showNext() |
void showPrevious (int viewId)
相当于拨打 showPrevious()
参数(Parameters) | |
viewId |
int : The id of the view on which to call showPrevious() |
void writeToParcel (Parcel dest, int flags)
参数(Parameters) | |
dest |
Parcel : The Parcel in which the object should be written. |
flags |
int : Additional flags about how the object should be written. May be 0 or PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE . |