public abstract @interface Target
implements Annotation
java.lang.annotation.Target |
指示注释类型适用的程序元素的种类。 如果注释类型声明中不存在目标元注释,则可以在任何程序元素上使用声明的类型。 如果存在这样的元注释,编译器将执行指定的使用限制。 例如,这个元注释表明声明的类型本身就是一个元注释类型。 它只能用于注释类型声明:
@Target(ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE) public @interface MetaAnnotationType { ... }This meta-annotation indicates that the declared type is intended solely for use as a member type in complex annotation type declarations. It cannot be used to annotate anything directly:
@Target({}) public @interface MemberType { ... }It is a compile-time error for a single ElementType constant to appear more than once in a Target annotation. For example, the following meta-annotation is illegal:
@Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.FIELD}) public @interface Bogus { ... }
继承方法(Inherited methods) |
![]() java.lang.annotation.Annotation