public abstract class DatagramChannel
extends AbstractSelectableChannel
implements ByteChannel, ScatteringByteChannel, GatheringByteChannel, NetworkChannel
java.lang.Object | ||||
java.nio.channels.spi.AbstractInterruptibleChannel | ||||
java.nio.channels.SelectableChannel | ||||
java.nio.channels.spi.AbstractSelectableChannel | ||||
java.nio.channels.DatagramChannel |
方法之一来创建数据报通道。 无法为任意的,预先存在的数据报套接字创建一个通道。 新创建的数据报通道已打开但未连接。 数据报通道不需要连接,以便使用send
方法。 数据报通道可以通过调用其connect
方法来连接,以避免作为每个发送和接收操作的一部分执行安全检查的开销。 必须连接数据报通道才能使用read
一旦连接,数据报通道将保持连接状态,直到断开连接或关闭。 数据报通道是否连接可以通过调用其isConnected
方法进行配置。 到Internet协议套接字的数据报通道支持以下选项:
Additional (implementation specific) options may also be supported.
Option Name 描述 SO_SNDBUF
The size of the socket send buffer SO_RCVBUF
The size of the socket receive buffer SO_REUSEADDR
Re-use address SO_BROADCAST
Allow transmission of broadcast datagrams IP_TOS
The Type of Service (ToS) octet in the Internet Protocol (IP) header IP_MULTICAST_IF
The network interface for Internet Protocol (IP) multicast datagrams IP_MULTICAST_TTL
The time-to-live for Internet Protocol (IP) multicast datagrams IP_MULTICAST_LOOP
Loopback for Internet Protocol (IP) multicast datagrams
数据报通道可安全地用于多个并发线程。 它们支持并发读写,尽管最多只有一个线程可能正在读取,并且在任何给定时间最多只有一个线程可能正在写入。
Protected constructors |
DatagramChannel(SelectorProvider provider) 初始化此类的新实例。 |
公共方法(Public methods) |
abstract DatagramChannel |
bind(SocketAddress local) 将通道的套接字绑定到本地地址。 |
abstract DatagramChannel |
connect(SocketAddress remote) 连接此通道的插座。 |
abstract DatagramChannel |
disconnect() 断开此通道的插座。 |
abstract SocketAddress |
getRemoteAddress() 返回此通道套接字连接的远程地址。 |
abstract boolean |
isConnected() 确定是否连接了此通道的套接字。 |
static DatagramChannel |
open() 打开数据报通道。 |
static DatagramChannel |
open(ProtocolFamily family) 打开数据报通道。 |
abstract long |
read(ByteBuffer[] dsts, int offset, int length) 从此通道读取数据报。 |
abstract int |
read(ByteBuffer dst) 从此通道读取数据报。 |
final long |
read(ByteBuffer[] dsts) 从此通道读取数据报。 |
abstract SocketAddress |
receive(ByteBuffer dst) 通过此通道接收数据报。 |
abstract int |
send(ByteBuffer src, SocketAddress target) 通过此通道发送数据报。 |
abstract <T> DatagramChannel |
setOption(SocketOption<T> name, T value) 设置套接字选项的值。 |
abstract DatagramSocket |
socket() 检索与此通道关联的数据报套接字。 |
final int |
validOps() 返回标识此频道支持的操作的操作集。 |
abstract int |
write(ByteBuffer src) 将数据报写入此通道。 |
final long |
write(ByteBuffer[] srcs) 将数据报写入此通道。 |
abstract long |
write(ByteBuffer[] srcs, int offset, int length) 将数据报写入此通道。 |
继承方法(Inherited methods) |
![]() java.nio.channels.spi.AbstractSelectableChannel
![]() java.nio.channels.SelectableChannel
![]() java.nio.channels.spi.AbstractInterruptibleChannel
![]() java.lang.Object
![]() java.nio.channels.Channel
![]() java.nio.channels.InterruptibleChannel
![]() java.nio.channels.ScatteringByteChannel
![]() java.nio.channels.GatheringByteChannel
![]() java.nio.channels.NetworkChannel
![]() java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel
![]() java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel
![]() java.lang.AutoCloseable
DatagramChannel (SelectorProvider provider)
参数(Parameters) | |
provider |
DatagramChannel bind (SocketAddress local)
此方法用于在套接字和本地地址之间建立关联。 一旦建立了关联,套接字就会保持绑定状态,直到通道关闭。 如果local
参数(Parameters) | |
local |
SocketAddress : The address to bind the socket, or null to bind the socket to an automatically assigned socket address |
返回(Returns) | |
DatagramChannel |
This channel |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
AlreadyBoundException |
UnsupportedAddressTypeException |
ClosedChannelException |
IOException |
SecurityException |
If a security manager has been installed and its checkListen method denies the operation |
DatagramChannel connect (SocketAddress remote)
通道的套接字配置为只接收来自给定远程对等地址的数据报并发送数据报给给定的远程对等地址。 一旦连接,数据报可能不会被接收或发送到任何其他地址。 数据报套接字保持连接状态,直到它明确断开连接或关闭。
方法完全相同的安全检查。 也就是说,如果安装了安全管理器,那么这种方法将验证其方法checkAccept
这个方法可以在任何时候调用。 它对调用时已经进行的读取或写入操作没有任何影响。 如果此通道的套接字未被绑定,则此方法将首先使套接字绑定到自动分配的地址,就像调用参数为null
参数(Parameters) | |
remote |
SocketAddress : The remote address to which this channel is to be connected |
返回(Returns) | |
DatagramChannel |
This datagram channel |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
ClosedChannelException |
If this channel is closed |
AsynchronousCloseException |
If another thread closes this channel while the connect operation is in progress |
ClosedByInterruptException |
If another thread interrupts the current thread while the connect operation is in progress, thereby closing the channel and setting the current thread's interrupt status |
SecurityException |
If a security manager has been installed and it does not permit access to the given remote address |
IOException |
If some other I/O error occurs |
DatagramChannel disconnect ()
这个方法可以在任何时候调用。 它对调用时已经进行的读取或写入操作没有任何影响。
返回(Returns) | |
DatagramChannel |
This datagram channel |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
IOException |
If some other I/O error occurs |
SocketAddress getRemoteAddress ()
返回(Returns) | |
SocketAddress |
The remote address; null if the channel's socket is not connected |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
ClosedChannelException |
If the channel is closed |
IOException |
If an I/O error occurs |
boolean isConnected ()
返回(Returns) | |
boolean |
true if, and only if, this channel's socket is open and connected |
DatagramChannel open ()
方法创建的。 该频道不会连接。
是平台(可能是配置)相关的,因此未指定。 open
返回(Returns) | |
DatagramChannel |
A new datagram channel |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
IOException |
If an I/O error occurs |
DatagramChannel open (ProtocolFamily family)
。 如果数据报通道用于IP多路传输,那么这应该对应于该通道将加入的多播组的地址类型。
方法创建的。 该频道不会连接。
参数(Parameters) | |
family |
ProtocolFamily : The protocol family |
返回(Returns) | |
DatagramChannel |
A new datagram channel |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
UnsupportedOperationException |
If the specified protocol family is not supported. For example, suppose the parameter is specified as StandardProtocolFamily.INET6 but IPv6 is not enabled on the platform. |
IOException |
If an I/O error occurs |
long read (ByteBuffer[] dsts, int offset, int length)
只有在此通道的套接字已连接的情况下才可以调用此方法,并且它只接受来自套接字对等方的数据报。 如果数据报中的字节多于保留在给定缓冲区中的字节,那么数据报的其余部分将被静默丢弃。 否则,此方法的行为与ScatteringByteChannel
参数(Parameters) | |
dsts |
ByteBuffer : The buffers into which bytes are to be transferred |
offset |
int : The offset within the buffer array of the first buffer into which bytes are to be transferred; must be non-negative and no larger than dsts.length |
length |
int : The maximum number of buffers to be accessed; must be non-negative and no larger than dsts.length - offset |
返回(Returns) | |
long |
The number of bytes read, possibly zero, or -1 if the channel has reached end-of-stream |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
NotYetConnectedException |
If this channel's socket is not connected |
IOException |
int read (ByteBuffer dst)
只有在此通道的套接字已连接的情况下才可以调用此方法,并且它只接受来自套接字对等方的数据报。 如果数据报中有更多的字节比保留在给定的缓冲区中,那么数据报的其余部分将被静默丢弃。 否则,此方法的行为与ReadableByteChannel
参数(Parameters) | |
dst |
ByteBuffer : The buffer into which bytes are to be transferred |
返回(Returns) | |
int |
The number of bytes read, possibly zero, or -1 if the channel has reached end-of-stream |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
NotYetConnectedException |
If this channel's socket is not connected |
IOException |
long read (ByteBuffer[] dsts)
只有在此通道的套接字已连接的情况下才可以调用此方法,并且它只接受来自套接字对等方的数据报。 如果数据报中的字节多于保留在给定缓冲区中的字节,那么数据报的其余部分将被静默丢弃。 否则,此方法的行为与ScatteringByteChannel
参数(Parameters) | |
dsts |
ByteBuffer : The buffers into which bytes are to be transferred |
返回(Returns) | |
long |
The number of bytes read, possibly zero, or -1 if the channel has reached end-of-stream |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
NotYetConnectedException |
If this channel's socket is not connected |
IOException |
SocketAddress receive (ByteBuffer dst)
如果数据报立即可用,或者如果该通道处于阻塞模式并且最终变为可用,则将数据报复制到给定字节缓冲区中,并返回其源地址。 如果此通道处于非阻塞模式并且数据报不能立即可用,则此方法立即返回null 。
操作一样。 如果缓冲区中剩余的字节数少于保存数据报所需的字节数,那么数据报的其余部分将被静默丢弃。
方法完全相同的安全检查。 也就是说,如果套接字未连接到特定的远程地址和每个数据报接收的该方法验证源的地址和端口号是由安全管理器的所允许的安全管理器已安装然后checkAccept
方法。 首先通过connect
这个方法可以在任何时候调用。 然而,如果另一个线程已经在这个通道上启动了一个读操作,那么这个方法的调用将会阻塞,直到第一个操作完成。 如果此通道的套接字未绑定,则此方法将首先使套接字绑定到自动分配的地址,就好像调用参数为null
参数(Parameters) | |
dst |
ByteBuffer : The buffer into which the datagram is to be transferred |
返回(Returns) | |
SocketAddress |
The datagram's source address, or null if this channel is in non-blocking mode and no datagram was immediately available |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
ClosedChannelException |
If this channel is closed |
AsynchronousCloseException |
If another thread closes this channel while the read operation is in progress |
ClosedByInterruptException |
If another thread interrupts the current thread while the read operation is in progress, thereby closing the channel and setting the current thread's interrupt status |
SecurityException |
If a security manager has been installed and it does not permit datagrams to be accepted from the datagram's sender |
IOException |
If some other I/O error occurs |
int send (ByteBuffer src, SocketAddress target)
数据报从字节缓冲区传输,就像通过常规的 write
方法完全相同的安全检查。 也就是说,如果套接字没有连接到特定的远程地址,并且已经安装了安全管理器,那么对于发送的每个数据报,此方法将验证安全管理器的方法checkConnect
允许目标地址和端口号。 首先通过connect
这个方法可以在任何时候调用。 但是,如果另一个线程已经在此通道上启动了写操作,则此方法的调用将会阻塞,直到第一个操作完成。 如果此通道的套接字未绑定,则此方法将首先使套接字绑定到自动分配的地址,就像调用bind
参数(Parameters) | |
src |
ByteBuffer : The buffer containing the datagram to be sent |
target |
SocketAddress : The address to which the datagram is to be sent |
返回(Returns) | |
int |
The number of bytes sent, which will be either the number of bytes that were remaining in the source buffer when this method was invoked or, if this channel is non-blocking, may be zero if there was insufficient room for the datagram in the underlying output buffer |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
ClosedChannelException |
If this channel is closed |
AsynchronousCloseException |
If another thread closes this channel while the read operation is in progress |
ClosedByInterruptException |
If another thread interrupts the current thread while the read operation is in progress, thereby closing the channel and setting the current thread's interrupt status |
SecurityException |
If a security manager has been installed and it does not permit datagrams to be sent to the given address |
IOException |
If some other I/O error occurs |
DatagramChannel setOption (SocketOption<T> name, T value)
参数(Parameters) | |
name |
SocketOption : The socket option |
value |
T : The value of the socket option. A value of null may be a valid value for some socket options. |
返回(Returns) | |
DatagramChannel |
This channel |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
UnsupportedOperationException |
IllegalArgumentException |
ClosedChannelException |
IOException |
DatagramSocket socket ()
返回的对象不会声明任何未在 DatagramSocket
返回(Returns) | |
DatagramSocket |
A datagram socket associated with this channel |
int validOps ()
数据报通道支持读取和写入,因此此方法返回 ( OP_READ
) 。
返回(Returns) | |
int |
The valid-operation set |
int write (ByteBuffer src)
如果此通道的套接字已连接,则只能调用此方法,在这种情况下,它将数据报直接发送到套接字的对等方。 否则,其行为与WritableByteChannel
参数(Parameters) | |
src |
ByteBuffer : The buffer from which bytes are to be retrieved |
返回(Returns) | |
int |
The number of bytes written, possibly zero |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
NotYetConnectedException |
If this channel's socket is not connected |
IOException |
long write (ByteBuffer[] srcs)
如果此通道的套接字已连接,则只能调用此方法,在这种情况下,它将数据报直接发送到套接字的对等方。 否则,其行为与GatheringByteChannel
参数(Parameters) | |
srcs |
ByteBuffer : The buffers from which bytes are to be retrieved |
返回(Returns) | |
long |
The number of bytes sent, which will be either the number of bytes that were remaining in the source buffer when this method was invoked or, if this channel is non-blocking, may be zero if there was insufficient room for the datagram in the underlying output buffer |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
NotYetConnectedException |
If this channel's socket is not connected |
IOException |
long write (ByteBuffer[] srcs, int offset, int length)
如果此通道的套接字已连接,则只能调用此方法,在这种情况下,它将数据报直接发送到套接字的对等方。 否则,其行为与GatheringByteChannel
参数(Parameters) | |
srcs |
ByteBuffer : The buffers from which bytes are to be retrieved |
offset |
int : The offset within the buffer array of the first buffer from which bytes are to be retrieved; must be non-negative and no larger than srcs.length |
length |
int : The maximum number of buffers to be accessed; must be non-negative and no larger than srcs.length - offset |
返回(Returns) | |
long |
The number of bytes sent, which will be either the number of bytes that were remaining in the source buffer when this method was invoked or, if this channel is non-blocking, may be zero if there was insufficient room for the datagram in the underlying output buffer |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
NotYetConnectedException |
If this channel's socket is not connected |
IOException |