public abstract class SignatureSpi
extends Object
java.lang.Object | | |
![]() |
类定义 ( SPI ),该类用于提供数字签名算法的功能。 数字签名用于数字数据的认证和完整性保证。 。
Fields |
protected SecureRandom |
appRandom 应用程序指定的随机源。 |
Public constructors |
SignatureSpi() |
公共方法(Public methods) |
Object |
clone() 如果实现可复制,则返回一个克隆。 |
Protected methods |
abstract Object |
engineGetParameter(String param) 此方法在API级别1中已弃用。已弃用。 |
AlgorithmParameters |
engineGetParameters() 提供程序将覆盖此方法以返回此签名引擎使用的参数;如果此签名引擎不使用任何参数,则此方法为null。 |
void |
engineInitSign(PrivateKey privateKey, SecureRandom random) 使用指定的私钥和签名操作的随机源初始化此签名对象。 |
abstract void |
engineInitSign(PrivateKey privateKey) 使用用于签名操作的指定私钥初始化此签名对象。 |
abstract void |
engineInitVerify(PublicKey publicKey) 使用指定的公钥为该验证操作初始化此签名对象。 |
abstract void |
engineSetParameter(String param, Object value) 此方法在API级别1中已被弃用。替换为 |
void |
engineSetParameter(AlgorithmParameterSpec params) 供应商将此方法重写为使用指定的参数集初始化此签名引擎。 |
abstract byte[] |
engineSign() 返回迄今为止更新的所有数据的签名字节。 |
int |
engineSign(byte[] outbuf, int offset, int len) 完成此签名操作并将所得签名字节存储在从 |
abstract void |
engineUpdate(byte[] b, int off, int len) 使用指定的字节数组更新要签名或验证的数据,从指定的偏移量开始。 |
void |
engineUpdate(ByteBuffer input) 使用指定的ByteBuffer更新要签名或验证的数据。 |
abstract void |
engineUpdate(byte b) 使用指定的字节更新要签名或验证的数据。 |
boolean |
engineVerify(byte[] sigBytes, int offset, int length) 在指定的字节数组中验证传入的签名,从指定的偏移量开始。 |
abstract boolean |
engineVerify(byte[] sigBytes) 验证传入的签名。 |
继承方法(Inherited methods) |
![]() java.lang.Object
Object clone ()
返回(Returns) | |
Object |
a clone if the implementation is cloneable. |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
CloneNotSupportedException |
if this is called on an implementation that does not support Cloneable . |
Object engineGetParameter (String param)
获取指定算法参数的值。 这种方法提供了一个通用机制,通过它可以获得这个对象的各种参数。 参数可以是算法的任何可设置参数,例如参数大小或用于签名生成的随机比特源(如果适当的话),或者是否执行特定但可选的计算的指示。 针对每个参数的统一算法特定命名方案是可取的,但此时未指定。
参数(Parameters) | |
param |
String : the string name of the parameter. |
返回(Returns) | |
Object |
the object that represents the parameter value, or null if there is none. |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
InvalidParameterException |
if param is an invalid parameter for this engine, or another exception occurs while trying to get this parameter. |
AlgorithmParameters engineGetParameters ()
返回(Returns) | |
AlgorithmParameters |
the parameters used with this signature engine, or null if this signature engine does not use any parameters |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
UnsupportedOperationException |
if this method is not overridden by a provider |
void engineInitSign (PrivateKey privateKey, SecureRandom random)
这个具体的方法已被添加到这个以前定义的抽象类。 (为了向后兼容,它不能是抽象的。)
参数(Parameters) | |
privateKey |
PrivateKey : the private key of the identity whose signature will be generated. |
random |
SecureRandom : the source of randomness |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
InvalidKeyException |
if the key is improperly encoded, parameters are missing, and so on. |
void engineInitSign (PrivateKey privateKey)
参数(Parameters) | |
privateKey |
PrivateKey : the private key of the identity whose signature will be generated. |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
InvalidKeyException |
if the key is improperly encoded, parameters are missing, and so on. |
void engineInitVerify (PublicKey publicKey)
参数(Parameters) | |
publicKey |
PublicKey : the public key of the identity whose signature is going to be verified. |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
InvalidKeyException |
if the key is improperly encoded, parameters are missing, and so on. |
void engineSetParameter (String param, Object value)
将指定的算法参数设置为指定的值。 这种方法提供了一个通用机制,通过它可以设置这个对象的各种参数。 参数可以是算法的任何可设置参数,例如参数大小或用于签名生成的随机比特源(如果适当的话),或者是否执行特定但可选的计算的指示。 针对每个参数的统一算法特定命名方案是可取的,但此时未指定。
参数(Parameters) | |
param |
String : the string identifier of the parameter. |
value |
Object : the parameter value. |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
InvalidParameterException |
if param is an invalid parameter for this signature algorithm engine, the parameter is already set and cannot be set again, a security exception occurs, and so on. |
void engineSetParameter (AlgorithmParameterSpec params)
参数(Parameters) | |
params |
AlgorithmParameterSpec : the parameters |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
UnsupportedOperationException |
if this method is not overridden by a provider |
InvalidAlgorithmParameterException |
if this method is overridden by a provider and the given parameters are inappropriate for this signature engine |
byte[] engineSign ()
返回迄今为止更新的所有数据的签名字节。 签名的格式取决于基础签名方案。
返回(Returns) | |
byte[] |
the signature bytes of the signing operation's result. |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
SignatureException |
if the engine is not initialized properly or if this signature algorithm is unable to process the input data provided. |
int engineSign (byte[] outbuf, int offset, int len)
开始。 签名的格式取决于基础签名方案。
方法之后的状态),并且可以重复使用以使用相同的私钥生成更多签名。 这个方法应该是抽象的,但是我们把它具体化为二进制兼容性。 有知识的提供者应该重写这个方法。
参数(Parameters) | |
outbuf |
byte : buffer for the signature result. |
offset |
int : offset into outbuf where the signature is stored. |
len |
int : number of bytes within outbuf allotted for the signature. Both this default implementation and the SUN provider do not return partial digests. If the value of this parameter is less than the actual signature length, this method will throw a SignatureException. This parameter is ignored if its value is greater than or equal to the actual signature length. |
返回(Returns) | |
int |
the number of bytes placed into outbuf |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
SignatureException |
if the engine is not initialized properly, if this signature algorithm is unable to process the input data provided, or if len is less than the actual signature length. |
void engineUpdate (byte[] b, int off, int len)
参数(Parameters) | |
b |
byte : the array of bytes |
off |
int : the offset to start from in the array of bytes |
len |
int : the number of bytes to use, starting at offset |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
SignatureException |
if the engine is not initialized properly |
void engineUpdate (ByteBuffer input)
使用指定的ByteBuffer更新要签名或验证的数据。 处理data.remaining()
。 返回时,缓冲区的位置将等于它的极限; 其限制不会改变。
参数(Parameters) | |
input |
ByteBuffer : the ByteBuffer |
void engineUpdate (byte b)
参数(Parameters) | |
b |
byte : the byte to use for the update. |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
SignatureException |
if the engine is not initialized properly. |
boolean engineVerify (byte[] sigBytes, int offset, int length)
参数(Parameters) | |
sigBytes |
byte : the signature bytes to be verified. |
offset |
int : the offset to start from in the array of bytes. |
length |
int : the number of bytes to use, starting at offset. |
返回(Returns) | |
boolean |
true if the signature was verified, false if not. |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
SignatureException |
if the engine is not initialized properly, the passed-in signature is improperly encoded or of the wrong type, if this signature algorithm is unable to process the input data provided, etc. |
boolean engineVerify (byte[] sigBytes)
参数(Parameters) | |
sigBytes |
byte : the signature bytes to be verified. |
返回(Returns) | |
boolean |
true if the signature was verified, false if not. |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
SignatureException |
if the engine is not initialized properly, the passed-in signature is improperly encoded or of the wrong type, if this signature algorithm is unable to process the input data provided, etc. |