public final class Formatter
extends Object
implements Closeable, Flushable
java.lang.Object | |
java.util.Formatter |
printf样式格式字符串的解释器。 此类提供对布局对齐和对齐的支持,数字,字符串和日期/时间数据的常用格式以及特定于语言环境的输出。 常见的Java类型,如byte
, BigDecimal
的支持。 通过Formattable
格式化程序对于多线程访问不一定安全。 线程安全是可选的,并且是本课程中用户的责任。
启发。 虽然格式字符串与C相似,但是已经进行了一些自定义以适应Java语言并利用其某些功能。 另外,Java格式化比C更严格; 例如,如果转换与标志不兼容,则会抛出异常。 在C不适用的标志被默默地忽略。 格式字符串因此旨在被C程序员识别,但不一定完全与C中的那些兼容。
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // Send all output to the Appendable object sb Formatter formatter = new Formatter(sb, Locale.US); // Explicit argument indices may be used to re-order output. formatter.format("%4$2s %3$2s %2$2s %1$2s", "a", "b", "c", "d") // -> " d c b a" // Optional locale as the first argument can be used to get // locale-specific formatting of numbers. The precision and width can be // given to round and align the value. formatter.format(Locale.FRANCE, "e = %+10.4f", Math.E); // -> "e = +2,7183" // The '(' numeric flag may be used to format negative numbers with // parentheses rather than a minus sign. Group separators are // automatically inserted. formatter.format("Amount gained or lost since last statement: $ %(,.2f", balanceDelta); // -> "Amount gained or lost since last statement: $ (6,217.58)"
// Writes a formatted string to System.out. System.out.format("Local time: %tT", Calendar.getInstance()); // -> "Local time: 13:34:18" // Writes formatted output to System.err. System.err.printf("Unable to open file '%1$s': %2$s", fileName, exception.getMessage()); // -> "Unable to open file 'food': No such file or directory"
像C的 sprintf(3)
,可以使用静态方法 String.format
// Format a string containing a date. import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import static java.util.Calendar.*; Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar(1995, MAY, 23); String s = String.format("Duke's Birthday: %1$tm %1$te,%1$tY", c); // -> s == "Duke's Birthday: May 23, 1995"
本规范分为两部分。 第一部分Summary涵盖了基本的格式化概念。 本节适用于希望快速入门并熟悉其他编程语言的格式化打印的用户。 第二部分Details涵盖了具体的实施细节。 它适用于希望更精确地指定格式化行为的用户。
本节旨在提供格式概念的简要概述。 有关精确的行为细节,请参阅Details部分。
每种产生格式化输出的方法都需要一个格式字符串和一个参数列表 。 格式字符串是String
,其中可能包含固定文本和一个或多个嵌入格式说明符 。 考虑下面的例子:
This format string is the first argument to theCalendar c = ...; String s = String.format("Duke's Birthday: %1$tm %1$te,%1$tY", c);
method. It contains three format specifiers "
", "
", and "
" which indicate how the arguments should be processed and where they should be inserted in the text. The remaining portions of the format string are fixed text including
"Dukes Birthday: "
and any other spaces or punctuation. The argument list consists of all arguments passed to the method after the format string. In the above example, the argument list is of size one and consists of the
可选的argument_index是一个十进制整数,指示参数列表中参数的位置。 第一个参数由“ 1$
”引用,第二个由“ 2$
可选标志是一组修改输出格式的字符。 有效标志的集合取决于转换。
可选 宽度是一个非负十进制整数,指示要写入输出的最小字符数。
可选精度是一个非负十进制整数,通常用于限制字符数。 具体行为取决于转换。
所需的转换是指示如何格式化参数的字符。 给定参数的一组有效转换取决于参数的数据类型。
可选的 argument_index , 标志和 宽度如上定义。
所需的转换是一个双字符序列。 第一个字符是't'
。 第二个字符表示要使用的格式。 这些字符与GNU date
和POSIX strftime(3c)
可选的 标志和 宽度如上定义。
所需的 转换是指示要插入输出中的内容的字符。
, Character
, byte
, Byte
, short
, and Short
. This conversion may also be applied to the types int
and Integer
when isValidCodePoint(int)
returns true
, Byte
, short
, Short
, int
and Integer
, long
, Long
, and BigInteger
, Float
, double
, Double
, and BigDecimal
, Long
, Calendar
, and Date
. '%'
('\u0025') 下表总结了支持的转换。 通过一个大写字符标记转换(即'B'
, 'H'
, 'S'
, 'C'
, 'X'
, 'E'
, 'G'
, 'A'
的规则。 结果等同于以下调用toUpperCase()
Conversion | Argument Category | 描述 |
'b' , 'B' |
general | If the argument arg is null , then the result is "false ". If arg is a boolean or Boolean , then the result is the string returned by String.valueOf(arg) . Otherwise, the result is "true". |
'h' , 'H' |
general | If the argument arg is null , then the result is "null ". Otherwise, the result is obtained by invoking Integer.toHexString(arg.hashCode()) . |
's' , 'S' |
general | If the argument arg is null , then the result is "null ". If arg implements Formattable , then arg.formatTo is invoked. Otherwise, the result is obtained by invoking arg.toString() . |
'c' , 'C' |
character | The result is a Unicode character |
'd' |
integral | The result is formatted as a decimal integer |
'o' |
integral | The result is formatted as an octal integer |
'x' , 'X' |
integral | The result is formatted as a hexadecimal integer |
'e' , 'E' |
floating point | The result is formatted as a decimal number in computerized scientific notation |
'f' |
floating point | The result is formatted as a decimal number |
'g' , 'G' |
floating point | The result is formatted using computerized scientific notation or decimal format, depending on the precision and the value after rounding. |
'a' , 'A' |
floating point | The result is formatted as a hexadecimal floating-point number with a significand and an exponent |
't' , 'T' |
date/time | Prefix for date and time conversion characters. See Date/Time Conversions. |
'%' |
percent | The result is a literal '%' ('\u0025') |
'n' |
line separator | The result is the platform-specific line separator |
转换定义的。 这些类型与GNU date
和POSIX strftime(3c)
定义的类型类似,但不完全相同。 提供额外的转换类型来访问特定于Java的功能(例如,第二秒内的'L'
'H' |
Hour of the day for the 24-hour clock, formatted as two digits with a leading zero as necessary i.e. 00 - 23 . |
'I' |
Hour for the 12-hour clock, formatted as two digits with a leading zero as necessary, i.e. 01 - 12 . |
'k' |
Hour of the day for the 24-hour clock, i.e. 0 - 23 . |
'l' |
Hour for the 12-hour clock, i.e. 1 - 12 . |
'M' |
Minute within the hour formatted as two digits with a leading zero as necessary, i.e. 00 - 59 . |
'S' |
Seconds within the minute, formatted as two digits with a leading zero as necessary, i.e. 00 - 60 ("60 " is a special value required to support leap seconds). |
'L' |
Millisecond within the second formatted as three digits with leading zeros as necessary, i.e. 000 - 999 . |
'N' |
Nanosecond within the second, formatted as nine digits with leading zeros as necessary, i.e. 000000000 - 999999999 . |
'p' |
Locale-specific morning or afternoon marker in lower case, e.g."am " or "pm ". Use of the conversion prefix 'T' forces this output to upper case. |
'z' |
RFC 822 style numeric time zone offset from GMT, e.g. -0800 . This value will be adjusted as necessary for Daylight Saving Time. For long , Long , and Date the time zone used is the default time zone for this instance of the Java virtual machine. |
'Z' |
A string representing the abbreviation for the time zone. This value will be adjusted as necessary for Daylight Saving Time. For long , Long , and Date the time zone used is the default time zone for this instance of the Java virtual machine. The Formatter's locale will supersede the locale of the argument (if any). |
's' |
Seconds since the beginning of the epoch starting at 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC, i.e. Long.MIN_VALUE/1000 to Long.MAX_VALUE/1000 . |
'Q' |
Milliseconds since the beginning of the epoch starting at 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC, i.e. Long.MIN_VALUE to Long.MAX_VALUE . |
'B' |
Locale-specific full month name, e.g. "January" , "February" . |
'b' |
Locale-specific abbreviated month name, e.g. "Jan" , "Feb" . |
'h' |
Same as 'b' . |
'A' |
Locale-specific full name of the day of the week, e.g. "Sunday" , "Monday" |
'a' |
Locale-specific short name of the day of the week, e.g. "Sun" , "Mon" |
'C' |
Four-digit year divided by 100 , formatted as two digits with leading zero as necessary, i.e. 00 - 99 |
'Y' |
Year, formatted as at least four digits with leading zeros as necessary, e.g. 0092 equals 92 CE for the Gregorian calendar. |
'y' |
Last two digits of the year, formatted with leading zeros as necessary, i.e. 00 - 99 . |
'j' |
Day of year, formatted as three digits with leading zeros as necessary, e.g. 001 - 366 for the Gregorian calendar. |
'm' |
Month, formatted as two digits with leading zeros as necessary, i.e. 01 - 13 . |
'd' |
Day of month, formatted as two digits with leading zeros as necessary, i.e. 01 - 31 |
'e' |
Day of month, formatted as two digits, i.e. 1 - 31 . |
'R' |
Time formatted for the 24-hour clock as "%tH:%tM" |
'T' |
Time formatted for the 24-hour clock as "%tH:%tM:%tS" . |
'r' |
Time formatted for the 12-hour clock as "%tI:%tM:%tS %Tp" . The location of the morning or afternoon marker ('%Tp' ) may be locale-dependent. |
'D' |
Date formatted as "%tm/%td/%ty" . |
'F' |
ISO 8601 complete date formatted as "%tY-%tm-%td" . |
'c' |
Date and time formatted as "%ta %tb %td %tT %tZ %tY" , e.g. "Sun Jul 20 16:17:00 EDT 1969" . |
下表总结了支持的标志。 y表示该标志对于指定的参数类型是受支持的。
Flag | General | Character | Integral | Floating Point | Date/Time | 描述 |
'-' | y | y | y | y | y | The result will be left-justified. |
'#' | y1 | - | y3 | y | - | The result should use a conversion-dependent alternate form |
'+' | - | - | y4 | y | - | The result will always include a sign |
' ' | - | - | y4 | y | - | The result will include a leading space for positive values |
'0' | - | - | y | y | - | The result will be zero-padded |
',' | - | - | y2 | y5 | - | The result will include locale-specific grouping separators |
'(' | - | - | y4 | y5 | - | The result will enclose negative numbers in parentheses |
1取决于 Formattable
2仅适用于 'd'
3仅适用 'o'
和 'X'
4对于 'd'
, 'o'
, 'x'
和 'X'
施加到转换 BigInteger
或 'd'
施加到 byte
, Byte
, short
, Short
, int
和 Integer
, long
,和 Long
5对于 'e'
, 'E'
, 'f'
, 'g'
,并 'G'
宽度是写入输出的最小字符数。 对于行分隔符转换,宽度不适用; 如果提供,则会抛出异常。
, 'E'
精度的位数小数分隔符后的数目。 如果转换结果为'g'
,则精度是舍入后得到的幅度中的总位数。 如果转换为'a'
对于字符,整数和日期/时间参数类型以及百分比和行分隔符转换,精度不适用; 如果提供精度,则会抛出异常。
参数索引是一个十进制整数,指示参数列表中参数的位置。 第一个参数由“ 1$
”引用,第二个由“ 2$
( '\u003c' )标志,该标志导致重新使用前一个格式说明符的参数。 例如,以下两个语句会生成相同的字符串:
Calendar c = ...; String s1 = String.format("Duke's Birthday: %1$tm %1$te,%1$tY", c); String s2 = String.format("Duke's Birthday: %1$tm %<te,%<tY", c);
本部分旨在提供格式化的行为细节,包括条件和例外,支持的数据类型,本地化以及标志,转换和数据类型之间的交互。 有关格式化概念的概述,请参阅Summary
任何未明确定义为转换,日期/时间转换后缀或标志的字符都是非法的,并且为未来的扩展而保留。 在格式字符串中使用这样的字符将导致引发UnknownFormatConversionException
如果格式说明符包含带有无效值的宽度或精度,或者其他方式不受支持, IllegalFormatPrecisionException
分别引发 IllegalFormatWidthException
或 IllegalFormatPrecisionException
如果格式说明符包含不适用于相应参数的转换字符,则会引发 IllegalFormatConversionException
所有指定的异常可通过任何的抛出 format
的方法 Formatter
以及通过任何 format
方便的方法,例如 String.format
和 PrintStream.printf
, 'H'
, 'S'
, 'C'
, 'X'
, 'E'
, 'G'
, 'A'
的规则。 结果等同于以下toUpperCase()
'b' |
'\u0062' | Produces either "true " or "false " as returned by toString(boolean) . 如果参数是 如果给出 |
'B' |
'\u0042' | The upper-case variant of 'b' . |
'h' |
'\u0068' | Produces a string representing the hash code value of the object. 如果参数arg是 如果给出了 |
'H' |
'\u0048' | The upper-case variant of 'h' . |
's' |
'\u0073' | Produces a string. 如果参数是 如果给出 |
'S' |
'\u0053' | The upper-case variant of 's' . |
以下 flags适用于一般转换:
'-' |
'\u002d' | Left justifies the output. Spaces ('\u0020') will be added at the end of the converted value as required to fill the minimum width of the field. If the width is not provided, then a MissingFormatWidthException will be thrown. If this flag is not given then the output will be right-justified. |
'#' |
'\u0023' | Requires the output use an alternate form. The definition of the form is specified by the conversion. |
width是要写入输出的最小字符数。 如果转换值的长度小于宽度,则输出将填充' ' ( '\u0020' ),直到字符总数等于宽度。 默认情况下,填充位于左侧。 如果给出了'-'
标志,那么填充将在右侧。 如果宽度没有被指定,那么没有最小值。
精度是要写入输出的最大字符数。 精度在宽度之前应用,因此即使宽度大于精度,输出也会被截断为precision
字符。 如果未指定精度,那么对字符数量没有明确的限制。
. It may also be applied to the types
, and
. If it returns
then an
will be thrown.
'c' |
'\u0063' | Formats the argument as a Unicode character as described in Unicode Character Representation. This may be more than one 16-bit char in the case where the argument represents a supplementary character. 如果给出了 |
'C' |
'\u0043' | The upper-case variant of 'c' . |
适用于General conversions的'-'
标志适用。 如果给出'#'
宽度定义为 General conversions 。
精度不适用。 如果指定了精度,则会抛出IllegalFormatPrecisionException
+ z. ','
('\u002c') flag is given, then the locale-specific grouping separator is inserted by scanning the integer part of the string from least significant to most significant digits and inserting a separator at intervals defined by the locale's grouping size. '0'
flag is given, then the locale-specific zero digits are inserted after the sign character, if any, and before the first non-zero digit, until the length of the string is equal to the requested field width. '('
flag is given, then a '('
('\u0028') is prepended and a ')'
('\u0029') is appended. '('
flag is not given, then a '-'
('\u002d') is prepended. '+'
flag is given and the value is positive or zero (or floating-point positive zero), then a '+'
('\u002b') will be prepended. 如果该值为NaN或正无穷大,则分别输出字符串“NaN”或“Infinity”。 如果该值为负无穷大,则输出将为“(Infinity)”,如果'('
标志被给出,则输出将为“-Infinity”。 这些值不是本地化的。
Byte, Short, Integer, and Long
以下转换可以应用于 byte
, Byte
, short
, Short
, int
和 Integer
, long
,和 Long
'd' |
'\u0054' | Formats the argument as a decimal integer. The localization algorithm is applied. 如果给出了 如果 |
'o' |
'\u006f' | Formats the argument as an integer in base eight. No localization is applied. 如果 x为负,那么结果将是通过添加2 n提供给值而产生一个无符号的值,其中 如果给出 如果给出了 如果 |
'x' |
'\u0078' | Formats the argument as an integer in base sixteen. No localization is applied. 如果 x为负,那么结果将是通过添加2 n提供给值而产生一个无符号的值,其中 如果给出 如果给出 如果 |
'X' |
'\u0058' | The upper-case variant of 'x' . The entire string representing the number will be converted to upper case including the 'x' (if any) and all hexadecimal digits 'a' - 'f' ('\u0061' - '\u0066'). |
如果转换是 'o'
, 'x'
,或 'X'
并且两个 '#'
和 '0'
标志,那么结果将包含(基数指示符 '0'
为八进制和 "0x"
或 "0X"
如果没有给出 '-'
以下 flags适用于数字整数转换:
'+' |
'\u002b' | Requires the output to include a positive sign for all positive numbers. If this flag is not given then only negative values will include a sign. 如果 |
' ' | '\u0020' | Requires the output to include a single extra space ('\u0020') for non-negative values. 如果给出 |
'0' |
'\u0030' | Requires the output to be padded with leading zeros to the minimum field width following any sign or radix indicator except when converting NaN or infinity. If the width is not provided, then a MissingFormatWidthException will be thrown. 如果给出了 |
',' |
'\u002c' | Requires the output to include the locale-specific group separators as described in the "group" section of the localization algorithm. |
'(' |
'\u0028' | Requires the output to prepend a '(' ('\u0028') and append a ')' ('\u0029') to negative values. |
如果没有给出 flags ,则默认格式如下:
('\u002d') width是要写入输出的最小字符数。 这包括任何符号,数字,分组分隔符,基数指示符和括号。 如果转换后的值的长度小于宽度,则输出将填充空格( '\u0020' ),直到字符总数等于宽度。 默认情况下,填充位于左侧。 如果给出了'-'
标志,那么填充将在右侧。 如果没有指定宽度,那么没有最小值。
精度不适用。 如果指定精度,则会抛出IllegalFormatPrecisionException
以下转换可能适用于 BigInteger
'd' |
'\u0054' | Requires the output to be formatted as a decimal integer. The localization algorithm is applied. 如果 |
'o' |
'\u006f' | Requires the output to be formatted as an integer in base eight. No localization is applied. 如果x为负,那么结果将是一个以 如果 x为正或零,并给出 如果给出 如果给出了 如果 |
'x' |
'\u0078' | Requires the output to be formatted as an integer in base sixteen. No localization is applied. 如果x是负值,那么结果将是一个以 如果 x为正或零,并给出 如果给出 如果给出了 如果 |
'X' |
'\u0058' | The upper-case variant of 'x' . The entire string representing the number will be converted to upper case including the 'x' (if any) and all hexadecimal digits 'a' - 'f' ('\u0061' - '\u0066'). |
如果转换是 'o'
, 'x'
,或 'X'
并且两个 '#'
和 '0'
标志,那么结果将包含(基座指示器 '0'
为八进制和 "0x"
或 "0X"
如果给出了 '0'
如果没有给出 '-'
所有为Byte,Short,Integer和Long定义的flags都适用。 未给出标志时的default behavior与Byte,Short,Integer和Long相同。
规范 width与为Byte,Short,Integer和Long定义的相同。
精度不适用。 如果指定精度,则会抛出IllegalFormatPrecisionException
以下转换可以应用于 float
, Float
, double
和 Double
'e' |
'\u0065' | Requires the output to be formatted using computerized scientific notation. The localization algorithm is applied. 幅度 m的格式取决于其值。 如果m是NaN或无限,则分别输出字符串“NaN”或“Infinity”。 这些值不是本地化的。 如果 m是正零或负零,那么指数将是 否则,结果是一个表示参数的符号和大小(绝对值)的字符串。 标志的格式在localization algorithm中描述。 幅度m的格式取决于其值。 设n是唯一整数,使得10 n <= m <10 n +1 ; 然后让一个是m的精确算术商和10 牛顿 ,使得1 <= 一个 <10.然后将大小被表示为a的整数部分,作为一个单一的十进制数字,然后是小数分隔后跟十进制数字表示的小数部分,接着是小写区域设置特定的exponent separator (例如 m或a的小数部分的结果中的位数等于精度。 如果未指定精度,则默认值为 如果给出 |
'E' |
'\u0045' | The upper-case variant of 'e' . The exponent symbol will be the upper-case locale-specific exponent separator (e.g. 'E' ). |
'g' |
'\u0067' | Requires the output to be formatted in general scientific notation as described below. The localization algorithm is applied. 经过四舍五入的精度后,得到的幅度 m的格式取决于其值。 如果 m大于或等于10 -4但小于10 精度则在表示 decimal format 。 如果 m是大于或等于10 精度小于10 -4,则在表示 computerized scientific notation 。 m中有效数字的总数等于精度。 如果未指定精度,则默认值为 如果 |
'G' |
'\u0047' | The upper-case variant of 'g' . |
'f' |
'\u0066' | Requires the output to be formatted using decimal format. The localization algorithm is applied. 结果是一个表示参数的符号和大小(绝对值)的字符串。 标志的格式在localization algorithm中描述。 幅度m的格式取决于其值。 若m NaN或无穷大,所述文本字符串“NaN”或“无限”,分别将输出。 这些值不是本地化的。 幅度被格式化为 m的整数部分,没有前导零,后面是小数分隔符,后面跟着一个或多个小数位,代表 m的小数部分。 m或a的小数部分的结果中的位数等于精度。 如果未指定精度,则默认值为 |
'a' |
'\u0061' | Requires the output to be formatted in hexadecimal exponential form. No localization is applied. 结果是一个表示参数 x的符号和大小(绝对值)的字符串。 如果 x为负值或负零值,则结果将以 如果 x为正值或正值为零,并给出 幅度 m的格式取决于其值。
如果给出了 |
'A' |
'\u0041' | The upper-case variant of 'a' . The entire string representing the number will be converted to upper case including the 'x' ('\u0078') and 'p' ('\u0070' and all hexadecimal digits 'a' - 'f' ('\u0061' - '\u0066'). |
为Byte,Short,Integer和Long定义的所有 flags都适用。
如果给出了 '#'
如果没有给出 flags ,则默认格式如下:
width是要写入输出的最小字符数。 这包括任何符号,数字,分组分隔符,小数分隔符,指数符号,基数指示符,圆括号和表示无穷大和NaN的字符串(如适用)。 如果转换值的长度小于宽度,则输出将被空格( '\u0020' )填充,直到字符的总数等于宽度。 默认情况下,填充位于左侧。 如果给出'-'
标志,则填充将在右侧。 如果没有指定宽度,那么没有最小值。
, 'E'
,则精度是数字的小数分隔后的位数。 如果未指定精度,则假定为6
,那么精度是四舍五入后得到的幅度中的有效位数的总数。 如果未指定精度,则默认值为6
。 如果精度是0
,则精度是小数点分隔符后的十六进制数字的数量。 如果未提供精度,则将输出由toHexString(double)
以下转换可应用于 BigDecimal
'e' |
'\u0065' | Requires the output to be formatted using computerized scientific notation. The localization algorithm is applied. 幅度 m的格式取决于其值。 如果 m是正零或负零,那么指数将是 否则,结果是一个表示参数的符号和大小(绝对值)的字符串。 标志的格式描述在localization algorithm中 。 幅度m的格式取决于其值。 设n是唯一整数,使得10 n <= m <10 n +1 ; 然后让一个是m的精确算术商和10 牛顿 ,使得1 <= 一个 <10.然后将大小被表示为a的整数部分,作为一个单一的十进制数字,然后是小数分隔后跟十进制数字表示的小数部分,随后是指数符号 m或a的小数部分的结果中的位数等于精度。 如果未指定精度,则默认值为 如果给出了 |
'E' |
'\u0045' | The upper-case variant of 'e' . The exponent symbol will be 'E' ('\u0045'). |
'g' |
'\u0067' | Requires the output to be formatted in general scientific notation as described below. The localization algorithm is applied. 经过四舍五入的精度后,得到的幅度 m的格式取决于其值。 如果 m大于或等于10 -4但小于10的 精度 ,则表示为 decimal format 。 如果 m小于10 -4或大于或等于10 精度 ,则它表示为 computerized scientific notation 。 m中有效数字的总数等于精度。 如果未指定精度,则默认值为 如果 |
'G' |
'\u0047' | The upper-case variant of 'g' . |
'f' |
'\u0066' | Requires the output to be formatted using decimal format. The localization algorithm is applied. 结果是一个表示参数的符号和大小(绝对值)的字符串。 标志的格式描述在localization algorithm中 。 幅度m的格式取决于其值。 幅度被格式化为 m的整数部分,没有前导零,后面是小数分隔符,后面跟着一个或多个小数位,代表 m的小数部分。 m或a的小数部分的结果中的位数等于精度。 如果未指定精度,则默认值为 |
对于Byte,Short,Integer和Long定义的所有 flags都适用。
如果给出了 '#'
没有标志时, default behavior与Float和Double相同。
width和 precision的规格与为Float和Double定义的规格相同。
这种转换可以应用于 long
, Long
, Calendar
,和 Date
't' |
'\u0074' | Prefix for date and time conversion characters. |
'T' |
'\u0054' | The upper-case variant of 't' . |
转换定义。 这些类型与GNU date
和POSIX strftime(3c)
定义的类型类似但不完全相同。 提供了额外的转换类型来访问特定于Java的功能(例如,在第二秒内以毫秒为单位的'L'
'H' |
'\u0048' | Hour of the day for the 24-hour clock, formatted as two digits with a leading zero as necessary i.e. 00 - 23 . 00 corresponds to midnight. |
'I' |
'\u0049' | Hour for the 12-hour clock, formatted as two digits with a leading zero as necessary, i.e. 01 - 12 . 01 corresponds to one o'clock (either morning or afternoon). |
'k' |
'\u006b' | Hour of the day for the 24-hour clock, i.e. 0 - 23 . 0 corresponds to midnight. |
'l' |
'\u006c' | Hour for the 12-hour clock, i.e. 1 - 12 . 1 corresponds to one o'clock (either morning or afternoon). |
'M' |
'\u004d' | Minute within the hour formatted as two digits with a leading zero as necessary, i.e. 00 - 59 . |
'S' |
'\u0053' | Seconds within the minute, formatted as two digits with a leading zero as necessary, i.e. 00 - 60 ("60 " is a special value required to support leap seconds). |
'L' |
'\u004c' | Millisecond within the second formatted as three digits with leading zeros as necessary, i.e. 000 - 999 . |
'N' |
'\u004e' | Nanosecond within the second, formatted as nine digits with leading zeros as necessary, i.e. 000000000 - 999999999 . The precision of this value is limited by the resolution of the underlying operating system or hardware. |
'p' |
'\u0070' | Locale-specific morning or afternoon marker in lower case, e.g."am " or "pm ". Use of the conversion prefix 'T' forces this output to upper case. (Note that 'p' produces lower-case output. This is different from GNU date and POSIX strftime(3c) which produce upper-case output.) |
'z' |
'\u007a' | RFC 822 style numeric time zone offset from GMT, e.g. -0800 . This value will be adjusted as necessary for Daylight Saving Time. For long , Long , and Date the time zone used is the default time zone for this instance of the Java virtual machine. |
'Z' |
'\u005a' | A string representing the abbreviation for the time zone. This value will be adjusted as necessary for Daylight Saving Time. For long , Long , and Date the time zone used is the default time zone for this instance of the Java virtual machine. The Formatter's locale will supersede the locale of the argument (if any). |
's' |
'\u0073' | Seconds since the beginning of the epoch starting at 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC, i.e. Long.MIN_VALUE/1000 to Long.MAX_VALUE/1000 . |
'Q' |
'\u004f' | Milliseconds since the beginning of the epoch starting at 1 January 1970 00:00:00 UTC, i.e. Long.MIN_VALUE to Long.MAX_VALUE . The precision of this value is limited by the resolution of the underlying operating system or hardware. |
'B' |
'\u0042' | Locale-specific full month name, e.g. "January" , "February" . |
'b' |
'\u0062' | Locale-specific abbreviated month name, e.g. "Jan" , "Feb" . |
'h' |
'\u0068' | Same as 'b' . |
'A' |
'\u0041' | Locale-specific full name of the day of the week, e.g. "Sunday" , "Monday" |
'a' |
'\u0061' | Locale-specific short name of the day of the week, e.g. "Sun" , "Mon" |
'C' |
'\u0043' | Four-digit year divided by 100 , formatted as two digits with leading zero as necessary, i.e. 00 - 99 |
'Y' |
'\u0059' | Year, formatted to at least four digits with leading zeros as necessary, e.g. 0092 equals 92 CE for the Gregorian calendar. |
'y' |
'\u0079' | Last two digits of the year, formatted with leading zeros as necessary, i.e. 00 - 99 . |
'j' |
'\u006a' | Day of year, formatted as three digits with leading zeros as necessary, e.g. 001 - 366 for the Gregorian calendar. 001 corresponds to the first day of the year. |
'm' |
'\u006d' | Month, formatted as two digits with leading zeros as necessary, i.e. 01 - 13 , where "01 " is the first month of the year and ("13 " is a special value required to support lunar calendars). |
'd' |
'\u0064' | Day of month, formatted as two digits with leading zeros as necessary, i.e. 01 - 31 , where "01 " is the first day of the month. |
'e' |
'\u0065' | Day of month, formatted as two digits, i.e. 1 - 31 where "1 " is the first day of the month. |
'R' |
'\u0052' | Time formatted for the 24-hour clock as "%tH:%tM" |
'T' |
'\u0054' | Time formatted for the 24-hour clock as "%tH:%tM:%tS" . |
'r' |
'\u0072' | Time formatted for the 12-hour clock as "%tI:%tM:%tS %Tp" . The location of the morning or afternoon marker ('%Tp' ) may be locale-dependent. |
'D' |
'\u0044' | Date formatted as "%tm/%td/%ty" . |
'F' |
'\u0046' | ISO 8601 complete date formatted as "%tY-%tm-%td" . |
'c' |
'\u0063' | Date and time formatted as "%ta %tb %td %tT %tZ %tY" , e.g. "Sun Jul 20 16:17:00 EDT 1969" . |
适用于General conversions的'-'
标志适用。 如果'#'
width是要写入输出的最小字符数。 如果转换后的值的长度小于width
则输出将填充空格( '\u0020' ),直到字符总数等于宽度。 默认情况下,填充位于左侧。 如果给出'-'
标志,那么填充将在右侧。 如果没有指定宽度,那么没有最小值。
精度不适用。 如果指定了精度,则会抛出IllegalFormatPrecisionException
'%' |
The result is a literal '%' ('\u0025') width是写入输出的最小字符数,包括 适用于General conversions的 精度不适用。 如果指定了 |
'n' |
the platform-specific line separator as returned by System.getProperty("line.separator") . |
标志,宽度和精度不适用。 如果任何提供的IllegalFormatFlagsException
, IllegalFormatWidthException
", the second by "2$
", etc. An argument may be referenced more than once. 例如:
formatter.format("%4$s %3$s %2$s %1$s %4$s %3$s %2$s %1$s", "a", "b", "c", "d") // -> "d c b a d c b a"
('\u003c') flag which causes the argument for the previous format specifier to be re-used. If there is no previous argument, then a MissingFormatArgumentException
is thrown.
formatter.format("%s %s %<s %<s", "a", "b", "c", "d") // -> "a b b b" // "c" and "d" are ignored because they are not referenced
flag. Each format specifier which uses ordinary indexing is assigned a sequential implicit index into argument list which is independent of the indices used by explicit or relative indexing.
formatter.format("%s %s %s %s", "a", "b", "c", "d") // -> "a b c d"
formatter.format("%2$s %s %<s %s", "a", "b", "c", "d") // -> "b a a b" // "c" and "d" are ignored because they are not referenced
参数的最大数量由The JavaTM Virtual Machine Specification定义的Java数组的最大维数限制。 如果参数索引不符合可用参数,则会引发MissingFormatArgumentException
除非另有说明,否则将 null
参数传递给 null
中的任何方法或构造函数将导致引发 NullPointerException
Nested classes |
枚举 |
Public constructors |
Formatter() 构造一个新的格式化程序。 |
Formatter(Appendable a) 用指定的目标构造一个新的格式化程序。 |
Formatter(Locale l) 用指定的语言环境构造一个新的格式器。 |
Formatter(Appendable a, Locale l) 使用指定的目标和区域设置构造一个新的格式器。 |
Formatter(String fileName) 用指定的文件名构造一个新的格式化程序。 |
Formatter(String fileName, String csn) 用指定的文件名和字符集构造一个新的格式器。 |
Formatter(String fileName, String csn, Locale l) 使用指定的文件名,字符集和区域设置构造一个新的格式器。 |
Formatter(File file) 用指定的文件构造一个新的格式化程序。 |
Formatter(File file, String csn) 用指定的文件和字符集构造一个新的格式器。 |
Formatter(File file, String csn, Locale l) 用指定的文件,字符集和区域设置构造一个新的格式器。 |
Formatter(PrintStream ps) 用指定的打印流构造一个新的格式器。 |
Formatter(OutputStream os) 用指定的输出流构造一个新的格式化程序。 |
Formatter(OutputStream os, String csn) 用指定的输出流和字符集构造一个新的格式器。 |
Formatter(OutputStream os, String csn, Locale l) 使用指定的输出流,字符集和区域设置构造一个新的格式器。 |
公共方法(Public methods) |
void |
close() 关闭这个格式化程序。 |
void |
flush() 刷新此格式化程序。 |
Formatter |
format(Locale l, String format, Object... args) 使用指定的区域设置,格式字符串和参数将格式化的字符串写入此对象的目标。 |
Formatter |
format(String format, Object... args) 使用指定的格式字符串和参数将格式化的字符串写入此对象的目标。 |
IOException |
ioException() 返回此格式化程序 |
Locale |
locale() 返回构造此格式化程序所设置的区域设置。 |
Appendable |
out() 返回输出的目的地。 |
String |
toString() 返回在输出的目标上调用 |
继承方法(Inherited methods) |
![]() java.lang.Object
![]() java.lang.AutoCloseable
Formatter ()
。 使用的语言环境是Java虚拟机的此实例的default locale 。
Formatter (Appendable a)
使用的语言环境是Java虚拟机的此实例的 default locale 。
参数(Parameters) | |
a |
Appendable : Destination for the formatted output. If a is null then a StringBuilder will be created. |
Formatter (Locale l)
格式化输出的目的地是 StringBuilder
其可以通过调用被检索 out()
并且其当前内容可以通过调用被转换成字符串 toString()
参数(Parameters) | |
l |
Locale : The locale to apply during formatting. If l is null then no localization is applied. |
Formatter (Appendable a, Locale l)
参数(Parameters) | |
a |
Appendable : Destination for the formatted output. If a is null then a StringBuilder will be created. |
l |
Locale : The locale to apply during formatting. If l is null then no localization is applied. |
Formatter (String fileName)
使用的字符集是Java虚拟机的这个实例的 default charset 。
使用的语言环境是Java虚拟机的此实例的 default locale 。
参数(Parameters) | |
fileName |
String : The name of the file to use as the destination of this formatter. If the file exists then it will be truncated to zero size; otherwise, a new file will be created. The output will be written to the file and is buffered. |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
SecurityException |
If a security manager is present and checkWrite(fileName) denies write access to the file |
FileNotFoundException |
If the given file name does not denote an existing, writable regular file and a new regular file of that name cannot be created, or if some other error occurs while opening or creating the file |
Formatter (String fileName, String csn)
使用的语言环境是Java虚拟机的此实例的 default locale 。
参数(Parameters) | |
fileName |
String : The name of the file to use as the destination of this formatter. If the file exists then it will be truncated to zero size; otherwise, a new file will be created. The output will be written to the file and is buffered. |
csn |
String : The name of a supported charset |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
FileNotFoundException |
If the given file name does not denote an existing, writable regular file and a new regular file of that name cannot be created, or if some other error occurs while opening or creating the file |
SecurityException |
If a security manager is present and checkWrite(fileName) denies write access to the file |
UnsupportedEncodingException |
If the named charset is not supported |
Formatter (String fileName, String csn, Locale l)
参数(Parameters) | |
fileName |
String : The name of the file to use as the destination of this formatter. If the file exists then it will be truncated to zero size; otherwise, a new file will be created. The output will be written to the file and is buffered. |
csn |
String : The name of a supported charset |
l |
Locale : The locale to apply during formatting. If l is null then no localization is applied. |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
FileNotFoundException |
If the given file name does not denote an existing, writable regular file and a new regular file of that name cannot be created, or if some other error occurs while opening or creating the file |
SecurityException |
If a security manager is present and checkWrite(fileName) denies write access to the file |
UnsupportedEncodingException |
If the named charset is not supported |
Formatter (File file)
所使用的字符集是用于此Java虚拟机实例的 default charset 。
使用的语言环境是此虚拟机实例的 default locale 。
参数(Parameters) | |
file |
File : The file to use as the destination of this formatter. If the file exists then it will be truncated to zero size; otherwise, a new file will be created. The output will be written to the file and is buffered. |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
SecurityException |
If a security manager is present and checkWrite(file.getPath()) denies write access to the file |
FileNotFoundException |
If the given file object does not denote an existing, writable regular file and a new regular file of that name cannot be created, or if some other error occurs while opening or creating the file |
Formatter (File file, String csn)
使用的语言环境是Java虚拟机的此实例的 default locale 。
参数(Parameters) | |
file |
File : The file to use as the destination of this formatter. If the file exists then it will be truncated to zero size; otherwise, a new file will be created. The output will be written to the file and is buffered. |
csn |
String : The name of a supported charset |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
FileNotFoundException |
If the given file object does not denote an existing, writable regular file and a new regular file of that name cannot be created, or if some other error occurs while opening or creating the file |
SecurityException |
If a security manager is present and checkWrite(file.getPath()) denies write access to the file |
UnsupportedEncodingException |
If the named charset is not supported |
Formatter (File file, String csn, Locale l)
参数(Parameters) | |
file |
File : The file to use as the destination of this formatter. If the file exists then it will be truncated to zero size; otherwise, a new file will be created. The output will be written to the file and is buffered. |
csn |
String : The name of a supported charset |
l |
Locale : The locale to apply during formatting. If l is null then no localization is applied. |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
FileNotFoundException |
If the given file object does not denote an existing, writable regular file and a new regular file of that name cannot be created, or if some other error occurs while opening or creating the file |
SecurityException |
If a security manager is present and checkWrite(file.getPath()) denies write access to the file |
UnsupportedEncodingException |
If the named charset is not supported |
Formatter (PrintStream ps)
使用的语言环境是此虚拟机实例的 default locale 。
字符被写入给定的 PrintStream
参数(Parameters) | |
ps |
PrintStream : The stream to use as the destination of this formatter. |
Formatter (OutputStream os)
所使用的字符集是用于此Java虚拟机实例的 default charset 。
使用的语言环境是Java虚拟机的此实例的 default locale 。
参数(Parameters) | |
os |
OutputStream : The output stream to use as the destination of this formatter. The output will be buffered. |
Formatter (OutputStream os, String csn)
使用的语言环境是Java虚拟机的此实例的 default locale 。
参数(Parameters) | |
os |
OutputStream : The output stream to use as the destination of this formatter. The output will be buffered. |
csn |
String : The name of a supported charset |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
UnsupportedEncodingException |
If the named charset is not supported |
Formatter (OutputStream os, String csn, Locale l)
参数(Parameters) | |
os |
OutputStream : The output stream to use as the destination of this formatter. The output will be buffered. |
csn |
String : The name of a supported charset |
l |
Locale : The locale to apply during formatting. If l is null then no localization is applied. |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
UnsupportedEncodingException |
If the named charset is not supported |
void close ()
关闭这个格式化程序。 如果目的地实现了Closeable
关闭一个格式化程序允许它释放可能持有的资源(如打开的文件)。 如果格式化程序已关闭,则调用此方法不起作用。
尝试在格式器关闭后调用 ioException()
以外的任何方法将导致 FormatterClosedException
void flush ()
刷新此格式化程序。 如果目标实现了Flushable
抛出异常(Throws) | |
FormatterClosedException |
If this formatter has been closed by invoking its close() method |
Formatter format (Locale l, String format, Object... args)
参数(Parameters) | |
l |
Locale : The locale to apply during formatting. If l is null then no localization is applied. This does not change this object's locale that was set during construction. |
format |
String : A format string as described in Format string syntax |
args |
Object : Arguments referenced by the format specifiers in the format string. If there are more arguments than format specifiers, the extra arguments are ignored. The maximum number of arguments is limited by the maximum dimension of a Java array as defined by The JavaTM Virtual Machine Specification. |
返回(Returns) | |
Formatter |
This formatter |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
IllegalFormatException |
If a format string contains an illegal syntax, a format specifier that is incompatible with the given arguments, insufficient arguments given the format string, or other illegal conditions. For specification of all possible formatting errors, see the Details section of the formatter class specification. |
FormatterClosedException |
If this formatter has been closed by invoking its close() method |
Formatter format (String format, Object... args)
使用指定的格式字符串和参数将格式化的字符串写入此对象的目标。 使用的语言环境是在构建此格式化程序时定义的语言环境。
参数(Parameters) | |
format |
String : A format string as described in Format string syntax. |
args |
Object : Arguments referenced by the format specifiers in the format string. If there are more arguments than format specifiers, the extra arguments are ignored. The maximum number of arguments is limited by the maximum dimension of a Java array as defined by The JavaTM Virtual Machine Specification. |
返回(Returns) | |
Formatter |
This formatter |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
IllegalFormatException |
If a format string contains an illegal syntax, a format specifier that is incompatible with the given arguments, insufficient arguments given the format string, or other illegal conditions. For specification of all possible formatting errors, see the Details section of the formatter class specification. |
FormatterClosedException |
If this formatter has been closed by invoking its close() method |
IOException ioException ()
返回此格式化程序 IOException
最后抛出的 Appendable
如果目标的方法 append()
从不抛出 IOException
,那么此方法将始终返回 null
返回(Returns) | |
IOException |
The last exception thrown by the Appendable or null if no such exception exists. |
Locale locale ()
具有区域设置参数的此对象的 format
返回(Returns) | |
Locale |
null if no localization is applied, otherwise a locale |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
FormatterClosedException |
If this formatter has been closed by invoking its close() method |
Appendable out ()
返回(Returns) | |
Appendable |
The destination for the output |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
FormatterClosedException |
If this formatter has been closed by invoking its close() method |
String toString ()
的结果。 例如,以下代码将文本格式化为StringBuilder
Formatter f = new Formatter(); f.format("Last reboot at %tc", lastRebootDate); String s = f.toString(); // -> s == "Last reboot at Sat Jan 01 00:00:00 PST 2000"
,返回的字符串可能包含或不包含写入目标的字符。 例如,缓冲区通常在toString()
返回(Returns) | |
String |
The result of invoking toString() on the destination for the output |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
FormatterClosedException |
If this formatter has been closed by invoking its close() method |