public interface BlockingDeque
implements BlockingQueue<E>, Deque<E>
java.util.concurrent.BlockingDeque<E> |
![]() |
一个 Deque
方法有四种形式,用不同的方式处理操作,但不能立即满足,但可能在将来某个时候满足:一个抛出异常,第二个返回特殊值( null
,取决于操作),第三个块无限期地阻塞当前线程,直到操作成功,第四个块在放弃之前只有给定的最大时间限制。 下表总结了这些方法:
First Element (Head) | ||||
Throws exception | Special value | Blocks | Times out | |
Insert | addFirst(e) |
offerFirst(e) |
putFirst(e) |
offerFirst(e, time, unit) |
Remove | removeFirst() |
pollFirst() |
takeFirst() |
pollFirst(time, unit) |
Examine | getFirst() |
peekFirst() |
not applicable | not applicable |
Last Element (Tail) | ||||
Throws exception | Special value | Blocks | Times out | |
Insert | addLast(e) |
offerLast(e) |
putLast(e) |
offerLast(e, time, unit) |
Remove | removeLast() |
pollLast() |
takeLast() |
pollLast(time, unit) |
Examine | getLast() |
peekLast() |
not applicable | not applicable |
像任何 BlockingQueue
一样, BlockingDeque
实现可以直接用作FIFO BlockingQueue
。 从BlockingQueue
BlockingQueue Method |
Equivalent BlockingDeque Method |
Insert | |
add(e) |
addLast(e) |
offer(e) |
offerLast(e) |
put(e) |
putLast(e) |
offer(e, time, unit) |
offerLast(e, time, unit) |
Remove | |
remove() |
removeFirst() |
poll() |
pollFirst() |
take() |
takeFirst() |
poll(time, unit) |
pollFirst(time, unit) |
Examine | |
element() |
getFirst() |
peek() |
peekFirst() |
存储器一致性效果:当与其他并发集合,事先将物体放置成在一个线程动作 BlockingDeque
happen-before到该元素的从访问或移除后续动作 BlockingDeque
该界面是 Java Collections Framework的成员。
公共方法(Public methods) |
abstract boolean |
add(E e) 将指定的元素插入此双端队列表示的队列中(换句话说,在此双端队列的尾部),如果它是立即可行且不会违反容量限制,返回 |
abstract void |
addFirst(E e) 如果可以立即执行而不违反容量限制,则将指定的元素插入此双端队列的前端,如果当前没有可用空间,则抛出 |
abstract void |
addLast(E e) 如果可以立即执行而不违反容量限制,则将指定的元素插入此双端队列的末尾,如果当前没有可用空间,则抛出 |
abstract boolean |
contains(Object o) 如果此双端队列包含指定的元素,则返回 |
abstract E |
element() 检索但不删除由此双端队列表示的队列头(换句话说,此双端队列的第一个元素)。 |
abstract Iterator<E> |
iterator() 以适当的顺序返回此双端队列中元素的迭代器。 |
abstract boolean |
offer(E e, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) 将指定的元素插入到由此双端队列表示的队列中(换句话说,在此双端队列的尾部),如果有必要,等待达到指定的等待时间以使空间变为可用。 |
abstract boolean |
offer(E e) 将指定的元素插入此双端队列表示的队列中(换句话说,在此双端队列的尾部),如果它是立即可行且不会违反容量限制,返回 |
abstract boolean |
offerFirst(E e) 插入此双端队列的前面,如果它是立即可行且不会违反容量限制,返回指定的元素 |
abstract boolean |
offerFirst(E e, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) 将指定的元素插入此双端队列的前端,如果有必要,等待指定的等待时间以使空间变为可用。 |
abstract boolean |
offerLast(E e) 插入此双端队列的末尾,如果它是立即可行且不会违反容量限制,返回指定的元素 |
abstract boolean |
offerLast(E e, long timeout, TimeUnit unit) 在指定的元素末尾插入指定的元素,如果需要,等待指定的等待时间以使空间变为可用。 |
abstract E |
peek() 检索但不移除由此双端队列表示的队列头(换句话说,此双端队列的第一个元素),或者如果此双端队列为空,则返回 |
abstract E |
poll(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) 检索并移除由此双端队列表示的队列头(换句话说,此双端队列的第一个元素),如果元素可用,则等待达到指定的等待时间(如果需要)。 |
abstract E |
poll() 检索并移除由此双端队列表示的队列头(换句话说,此双端队列的第一个元素);如果此双端队列为空,则返回 |
abstract E |
pollFirst(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) 检索并删除此双端队列的第一个元素,如果需要,等待达到指定的等待时间,以使元素可用。 |
abstract E |
pollLast(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) 检索并删除此双端队列的最后一个元素,如果元素变为可用,则等待达到指定的等待时间。 |
abstract void |
push(E e) 如果可以立即执行而不违反容量限制, |
abstract void |
put(E e) 将指定的元素插入到由此双端队列表示的队列中(换句话说,在此双端队列的尾部),等待必要的空间变为可用状态。 |
abstract void |
putFirst(E e) 将指定的元素插入此双端队列的前端,如果需要,等待空间变为可用。 |
abstract void |
putLast(E e) 在此双端队列的末尾插入指定的元素,如果需要,等待空间变为可用。 |
abstract E |
remove() 检索并移除由此双端队列表示的队列头(换句话说,此双端队列的第一个元素)。 |
abstract boolean |
remove(Object o) 从此双端队列中移除指定元素的第一个匹配项。 |
abstract boolean |
removeFirstOccurrence(Object o) 从此双端队列中移除指定元素的第一个匹配项。 |
abstract boolean |
removeLastOccurrence(Object o) 从此双端队列中移除指定元素的最后一次出现。 |
abstract int |
size() 返回此双端队列中的元素数量。 |
abstract E |
take() 检索并移除由此双端队列表示的队列的头部(换句话说,此双端队列的第一个元素),如果有必要,则等待一个元素变为可用。 |
abstract E |
takeFirst() 检索并删除此双端队列的第一个元素,如果需要等待,直到元素变为可用。 |
abstract E |
takeLast() 检索并移除此双端队列的最后一个元素,如果需要,等待元素变为可用。 |
继承方法(Inherited methods) |
![]() java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue
![]() java.util.Deque
![]() java.util.Queue
![]() java.util.Collection
![]() java.lang.Iterable
boolean add (E e)
。 当使用容量限制的双端队列时,通常最好使用offer
该方法相当于 addLast
参数(Parameters) | |
e |
E : the element to add |
返回(Returns) | |
boolean |
true (as specified by add(E) ) |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
IllegalStateException |
ClassCastException |
if the class of the specified element prevents it from being added to this deque |
NullPointerException |
if the specified element is null |
IllegalArgumentException |
if some property of the specified element prevents it from being added to this deque |
void addFirst (E e)
。 当使用容量限制的双端队列时,通常最好使用offerFirst
参数(Parameters) | |
e |
E : the element to add |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
IllegalStateException |
ClassCastException |
NullPointerException |
if the specified element is null |
IllegalArgumentException |
void addLast (E e)
。 当使用容量限制的双端队列时,通常最好使用offerLast
参数(Parameters) | |
e |
E : the element to add |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
IllegalStateException |
ClassCastException |
NullPointerException |
if the specified element is null |
IllegalArgumentException |
boolean contains (Object o)
。 更正式地,返回true
参数(Parameters) | |
o |
Object : object to be checked for containment in this deque |
返回(Returns) | |
boolean |
true if this deque contains the specified element |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
ClassCastException |
if the class of the specified element is incompatible with this deque (optional) |
NullPointerException |
if the specified element is null (optional) |
E element ()
检索但不删除由此双端队列表示的队列头(换句话说,此双端队列的第一个元素)。 此方法与peek
这种方法相当于 getFirst
返回(Returns) | |
E |
the head of this deque |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
NoSuchElementException |
if this deque is empty |
Iterator<E> iterator ()
以适当的顺序返回此双端队列中元素的迭代器。 元素将从第一个(头部)到最后一个(尾部)按顺序返回。
返回(Returns) | |
Iterator<E> |
an iterator over the elements in this deque in proper sequence |
boolean offer (E e, long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
该方法相当于 offerLast
参数(Parameters) | |
e |
E : the element to add |
timeout |
long : how long to wait before giving up, in units of unit |
unit |
TimeUnit : a TimeUnit determining how to interpret the timeout parameter |
返回(Returns) | |
boolean |
true if the element was added to this deque, else false |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
InterruptedException |
ClassCastException |
if the class of the specified element prevents it from being added to this deque |
NullPointerException |
if the specified element is null |
IllegalArgumentException |
if some property of the specified element prevents it from being added to this deque |
boolean offer (E e)
,如果当前没有空间可用。 使用容量限制的双端队列时,此方法通常优于add(E)
此方法相当于 offerLast
参数(Parameters) | |
e |
E : the element to add |
返回(Returns) | |
boolean |
true if the element was added to this deque, else false |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
ClassCastException |
if the class of the specified element prevents it from being added to this deque |
NullPointerException |
if the specified element is null |
IllegalArgumentException |
if some property of the specified element prevents it from being added to this deque |
boolean offerFirst (E e)
如果当前没有空间可用。 当使用容量限制的双端队列时,此方法通常优于addFirst
参数(Parameters) | |
e |
E : the element to add |
返回(Returns) | |
boolean |
true if the element was added to this deque, else false |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
ClassCastException |
NullPointerException |
if the specified element is null |
IllegalArgumentException |
boolean offerFirst (E e, long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
参数(Parameters) | |
e |
E : the element to add |
timeout |
long : how long to wait before giving up, in units of unit |
unit |
TimeUnit : a TimeUnit determining how to interpret the timeout parameter |
返回(Returns) | |
boolean |
true if successful, or false if the specified waiting time elapses before space is available |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
InterruptedException |
if interrupted while waiting |
ClassCastException |
if the class of the specified element prevents it from being added to this deque |
NullPointerException |
if the specified element is null |
IllegalArgumentException |
if some property of the specified element prevents it from being added to this deque |
boolean offerLast (E e)
如果当前没有空间可用。 当使用容量限制的双端队列时,此方法通常比addLast
参数(Parameters) | |
e |
E : the element to add |
返回(Returns) | |
boolean |
true if the element was added to this deque, else false |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
ClassCastException |
NullPointerException |
if the specified element is null |
IllegalArgumentException |
boolean offerLast (E e, long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
参数(Parameters) | |
e |
E : the element to add |
timeout |
long : how long to wait before giving up, in units of unit |
unit |
TimeUnit : a TimeUnit determining how to interpret the timeout parameter |
返回(Returns) | |
boolean |
true if successful, or false if the specified waiting time elapses before space is available |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
InterruptedException |
if interrupted while waiting |
ClassCastException |
if the class of the specified element prevents it from being added to this deque |
NullPointerException |
if the specified element is null |
IllegalArgumentException |
if some property of the specified element prevents it from being added to this deque |
E peek ()
检索但不移除由此双端队列表示的队列头(换句话说,此双端队列的第一个元素),或者如果此双端队列为空,则返回 null
该方法相当于 peekFirst
返回(Returns) | |
E |
the head of this deque, or null if this deque is empty |
E poll (long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
该方法相当于 pollFirst
参数(Parameters) | |
timeout |
long : how long to wait before giving up, in units of unit |
unit |
TimeUnit : a TimeUnit determining how to interpret the timeout parameter |
返回(Returns) | |
E |
the head of this deque, or null if the specified waiting time elapses before an element is available |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
InterruptedException |
if interrupted while waiting |
E poll ()
检索并移除由此双端队列表示的队列头(换句话说,此双端队列的第一个元素);如果此双端队列为空,则返回 null
该方法相当于 pollFirst()
返回(Returns) | |
E |
the head of this deque, or null if this deque is empty |
E pollFirst (long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
参数(Parameters) | |
timeout |
long : how long to wait before giving up, in units of unit |
unit |
TimeUnit : a TimeUnit determining how to interpret the timeout parameter |
返回(Returns) | |
E |
the head of this deque, or null if the specified waiting time elapses before an element is available |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
InterruptedException |
if interrupted while waiting |
E pollLast (long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
参数(Parameters) | |
timeout |
long : how long to wait before giving up, in units of unit |
unit |
TimeUnit : a TimeUnit determining how to interpret the timeout parameter |
返回(Returns) | |
E |
the tail of this deque, or null if the specified waiting time elapses before an element is available |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
InterruptedException |
if interrupted while waiting |
void push (E e)
如果可以立即执行而不违反容量限制, IllegalStateException
元素推入由此双端队列表示的堆栈中(如果没有空间限制,则立即抛出 IllegalStateException
这种方法相当于 addFirst
参数(Parameters) | |
e |
E : the element to push |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
IllegalStateException |
ClassCastException |
NullPointerException |
if the specified element is null |
IllegalArgumentException |
void put (E e)
这种方法相当于 putLast
参数(Parameters) | |
e |
E : the element to add |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
InterruptedException |
ClassCastException |
if the class of the specified element prevents it from being added to this deque |
NullPointerException |
if the specified element is null |
IllegalArgumentException |
if some property of the specified element prevents it from being added to this deque |
void putFirst (E e)
参数(Parameters) | |
e |
E : the element to add |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
InterruptedException |
if interrupted while waiting |
ClassCastException |
if the class of the specified element prevents it from being added to this deque |
NullPointerException |
if the specified element is null |
IllegalArgumentException |
if some property of the specified element prevents it from being added to this deque |
void putLast (E e)
参数(Parameters) | |
e |
E : the element to add |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
InterruptedException |
if interrupted while waiting |
ClassCastException |
if the class of the specified element prevents it from being added to this deque |
NullPointerException |
if the specified element is null |
IllegalArgumentException |
if some property of the specified element prevents it from being added to this deque |
E remove ()
检索并移除由此双端队列表示的队列头(换句话说,此双端队列的第一个元素)。 此方法与poll
该方法相当于 removeFirst
返回(Returns) | |
E |
the head of the queue represented by this deque |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
NoSuchElementException |
if this deque is empty |
boolean remove (Object o)
从此双端队列中移除指定元素的第一个匹配项。 如果该deque不包含该元素,则该值不变。 更正式地,删除第一个元素e
(如果存在这样的元素)。 如果此双端队列包含指定的元素(或者等价地,如果此双端队列因呼叫而改变),则返回true
该方法相当于 removeFirstOccurrence
参数(Parameters) | |
o |
Object : element to be removed from this deque, if present |
返回(Returns) | |
boolean |
true if this deque changed as a result of the call |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
ClassCastException |
if the class of the specified element is incompatible with this deque (optional) |
NullPointerException |
if the specified element is null (optional) |
boolean removeFirstOccurrence (Object o)
从此双端队列中移除指定元素的第一个匹配项。 如果该deque不包含该元素,则该值不变。 更正式地说,删除第一个元素e
(如果存在这样的元素)。 如果此双端队列包含指定的元素(或者等价地,如果此双端队列由于调用而更改),则返回true
参数(Parameters) | |
o |
Object : element to be removed from this deque, if present |
返回(Returns) | |
boolean |
true if an element was removed as a result of this call |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
ClassCastException |
if the class of the specified element is incompatible with this deque (optional) |
NullPointerException |
if the specified element is null (optional) |
boolean removeLastOccurrence (Object o)
从此双端队列中移除指定元素的最后一次出现。 如果该deque不包含该元素,则该值不变。 更正式地说,删除最后一个元素e
(如果存在这样的元素)。 如果此双端队列包含指定的元素(或者等价地,如果此双端队列因呼叫而改变),则返回true
参数(Parameters) | |
o |
Object : element to be removed from this deque, if present |
返回(Returns) | |
boolean |
true if an element was removed as a result of this call |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
ClassCastException |
if the class of the specified element is incompatible with this deque (optional) |
NullPointerException |
if the specified element is null (optional) |
int size ()
返回(Returns) | |
int |
the number of elements in this deque |
E take ()
该方法相当于 takeFirst
返回(Returns) | |
E |
the head of this deque |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
InterruptedException |
if interrupted while waiting |
E takeFirst ()
返回(Returns) | |
E |
the head of this deque |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
InterruptedException |
if interrupted while waiting |
E takeLast ()
返回(Returns) | |
E |
the tail of this deque |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
InterruptedException |
if interrupted while waiting |