public class SecretKeyFactory
extends Object
java.lang.Object | |
javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory |
密钥工厂用于将密钥 ( Key
类型的不透明密码密钥)转换为密钥规范 (底层密钥资料的透明表示),反之亦然。 秘密密钥工厂仅在秘密(对称)密钥上运行。
方法支持哪些关键规范。 例如,由“SunJCE”供应商提供的DES密钥工厂支持DESKeySpec
作为DES密钥的透明表示,该提供商的Triple DES密钥的密钥工厂支持DESedeKeySpec
作为Triple DES密钥的透明表示。
Android提供了以下 SecretKeyFactory
Name | Supported (API Levels) |
AES | 23+ |
DES | 1+ |
DESede | 1+ |
HmacSHA1 | 23+ |
HmacSHA224 | 23+ |
HmacSHA256 | 23+ |
HmacSHA384 | 23+ |
HmacSHA512 | 23+ |
PBEwithHmacSHA1 | 1+ |
PBEwithMD5andDES | 1+ |
PBEwithMD5andRC2 | 1+ |
PBEwithSHA1andDES | 1+ |
PBEwithSHA1andRC2 | 1+ |
PBEwithSHA256and128BITAES-CBC-BC | 1+ |
PBEwithSHA256and192BITAES-CBC-BC | 1+ |
PBEwithSHA256and256BITAES-CBC-BC | 1+ |
PBEwithSHAand128BITAES-CBC-BC | 1+ |
PBEwithSHAand128BITRC2-CBC | 10+ |
PBEwithSHAand128BITRC4 | 10+ |
PBEwithSHAand192BITAES-CBC-BC | 1+ |
PBEwithSHAand256BITAES-CBC-BC | 1+ |
PBEwithSHAand40BITRC2-CBC | 1+ |
PBEwithSHAand40BITRC4 | 10+ |
PBEwithSHAandTWOFISH-CBC | 10+ |
PBKDF2withHmacSHA1 | 10+ |
PBKDF2withHmacSHA1and8BIT | 19+ |
Protected constructors |
SecretKeyFactory(SecretKeyFactorySpi keyFacSpi, Provider provider, String algorithm) 创建一个SecretKeyFactory对象。 |
公共方法(Public methods) |
final SecretKey |
generateSecret(KeySpec keySpec) 根据提供的密钥规范(密钥材料)生成一个 |
final String |
getAlgorithm() 返回此 |
static final SecretKeyFactory |
getInstance(String algorithm) 返回转换指定算法的密钥的 |
static final SecretKeyFactory |
getInstance(String algorithm, String provider) 返回转换指定算法的密钥的 |
static final SecretKeyFactory |
getInstance(String algorithm, Provider provider) 返回转换指定算法的密钥的 |
final KeySpec |
getKeySpec(SecretKey key, Class keySpec) 以请求的格式返回给定键对象的规范(键材料)。 |
final Provider |
getProvider() 返回此 |
final SecretKey |
translateKey(SecretKey key) 将提供者可能未知或可能不可信的密钥对象转换为此密钥工厂的相应密钥对象。 |
继承方法(Inherited methods) |
![]() java.lang.Object
SecretKeyFactory (SecretKeyFactorySpi keyFacSpi, Provider provider, String algorithm)
参数(Parameters) | |
keyFacSpi |
SecretKeyFactorySpi : the delegate |
provider |
Provider : the provider |
algorithm |
String : the secret-key algorithm |
SecretKey generateSecret (KeySpec keySpec)
从提供的密钥规范(密钥材料)中生成一个 SecretKey
参数(Parameters) | |
keySpec |
KeySpec : the specification (key material) of the secret key |
返回(Returns) | |
SecretKey |
the secret key |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
InvalidKeySpecException |
if the given key specification is inappropriate for this secret-key factory to produce a secret key. |
String getAlgorithm ()
返回此 SecretKeyFactory
这与在创建此 SecretKeyFactory
对象的 getInstance
返回(Returns) | |
String |
the algorithm name of this SecretKeyFactory object. |
SecretKeyFactory getInstance (String algorithm)
返回转换指定算法的密钥的 SecretKeyFactory
该方法遍历注册安全提供程序的列表,从最优先的提供程序开始。 返回一个新的SecretKeyFactory对象,它封装来自支持指定算法的第一个Provider的SecretKeyFactorySpi实现。
请注意,注册供应商列表可能通过 Security.getProviders()
参数(Parameters) | |
algorithm |
String : the standard name of the requested secret-key algorithm. See the SecretKeyFactory section in the Java Cryptography Architecture Standard Algorithm Name Documentation for information about standard algorithm names. |
返回(Returns) | |
SecretKeyFactory |
the new SecretKeyFactory object. |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
NullPointerException |
if the specified algorithm is null. |
NoSuchAlgorithmException |
if no Provider supports a SecretKeyFactorySpi implementation for the specified algorithm. |
SecretKeyFactory getInstance (String algorithm, String provider)
返回转换指定算法的密钥的 SecretKeyFactory
返回一个新的SecretKeyFactory对象,封装来自指定提供者的SecretKeyFactorySpi实现。 指定的提供者必须在安全提供者列表中注册。
请注意,可以通过 Security.getProviders()
参数(Parameters) | |
algorithm |
String : the standard name of the requested secret-key algorithm. See the SecretKeyFactory section in the Java Cryptography Architecture Standard Algorithm Name Documentation for information about standard algorithm names. |
provider |
String : the name of the provider. |
返回(Returns) | |
SecretKeyFactory |
the new SecretKeyFactory object. |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
NoSuchAlgorithmException |
if a SecretKeyFactorySpi implementation for the specified algorithm is not available from the specified provider. |
NullPointerException |
if the specified algorithm is null. |
NoSuchProviderException |
if the specified provider is not registered in the security provider list. |
IllegalArgumentException |
if the provider is null or empty. |
SecretKeyFactory getInstance (String algorithm, Provider provider)
返回转换指定算法的密钥的 SecretKeyFactory
返回一个新的SecretKeyFactory对象,它封装了指定Provider对象的SecretKeyFactorySpi实现。 请注意,指定的Provider对象不必在提供程序列表中注册。
参数(Parameters) | |
algorithm |
String : the standard name of the requested secret-key algorithm. See the SecretKeyFactory section in the Java Cryptography Architecture Standard Algorithm Name Documentation for information about standard algorithm names. |
provider |
Provider : the provider. |
返回(Returns) | |
SecretKeyFactory |
the new SecretKeyFactory object. |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
NullPointerException |
if the specified algorithm is null. |
NoSuchAlgorithmException |
if a SecretKeyFactorySpi implementation for the specified algorithm is not available from the specified Provider object. |
IllegalArgumentException |
if the provider is null. |
KeySpec getKeySpec (SecretKey key, Class keySpec)
参数(Parameters) | |
key |
SecretKey : the key |
keySpec |
Class : the requested format in which the key material shall be returned |
返回(Returns) | |
KeySpec |
the underlying key specification (key material) in the requested format |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
InvalidKeySpecException |
if the requested key specification is inappropriate for the given key (e.g., the algorithms associated with key and keySpec do not match, or key references a key on a cryptographic hardware device whereas keySpec is the specification of a software-based key), or the given key cannot be dealt with (e.g., the given key has an algorithm or format not supported by this secret-key factory). |
Provider getProvider ()
返回此 SecretKeyFactory
返回(Returns) | |
Provider |
the provider of this SecretKeyFactory object |
SecretKey translateKey (SecretKey key)
参数(Parameters) | |
key |
SecretKey : the key whose provider is unknown or untrusted |
返回(Returns) | |
SecretKey |
the translated key |
抛出异常(Throws) | |
InvalidKeyException |
if the given key cannot be processed by this secret-key factory. |