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Added in API level 8


public interface LSResourceResolver


需要实现外部资源自定义处理的应用程序可以实现此接口,并通过设置连接到LSParserLSSerializerDOMConfiguration对象的“resource-resolver”参数来注册它们的实现。 它也可以是上注册DOMConfiguration附着在物体上Document是否支持“LS”功能。

然后, LSParser将允许应用程序在包含它们之前拦截任何外部实体,包括外部DTD子集和外部参数实体。 顶级文档实体永远不会传递给resolveResource方法。


注意: LSResourceResolver基于SAX2 [ SAX ] EntityResolver接口。

另见 Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Load and Save Specification


公共方法(Public methods)

abstract LSInput resolveResource(String type, String namespaceURI, String publicId, String systemId, String baseURI)


公共方法(Public methods)


Added in API level 8
LSInput resolveResource (String type, 
                String namespaceURI, 
                String publicId, 
                String systemId, 
                String baseURI)

LSParser将在打开任何外部资源(包括外部DTD子集,DTD中引用的外部实体以及文档元素内引用的外部实体(但顶级文档实体不传递给此方法))之前调用此方法。 然后,应用程序可能会要求LSParser解析外部资源本身,它使用替代URI或使用完全不同的输入源。
应用程序编写者可以使用此方法将外部系统标识符重定向到安全和/或本地URI,在目录中查找公共标识符或从数据库或其他输入源(包括例如对话框)读取实体, 。

type String: The type of the resource being resolved. For XML [XML 1.0] resources (i.e. entities), applications must use the value "". For XML Schema [XML Schema Part 1] , applications must use the value "". Other types of resources are outside the scope of this specification and therefore should recommend an absolute URI in order to use this method.
namespaceURI String: The namespace of the resource being resolved, e.g. the target namespace of the XML Schema [XML Schema Part 1] when resolving XML Schema resources.
publicId String: The public identifier of the external entity being referenced, or null if no public identifier was supplied or if the resource is not an entity.
systemId String: The system identifier, a URI reference [IETF RFC 2396], of the external resource being referenced, or null if no system identifier was supplied.
baseURI String: The absolute base URI of the resource being parsed, or null if there is no base URI.
LSInput A LSInput object describing the new input source, or null to request that the parser open a regular URI connection to the resource.
