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Added in API level 1


public interface DOMImplementation



另见 Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Core Specification


公共方法(Public methods)

abstract Document createDocument(String namespaceURI, String qualifiedName, DocumentType doctype)

使用其文档元素创建指定类型的DOM Document对象。

abstract DocumentType createDocumentType(String qualifiedName, String publicId, String systemId)

创建一个空的 DocumentType节点。

abstract Object getFeature(String feature, String version)


abstract boolean hasFeature(String feature, String version)


公共方法(Public methods)


Added in API level 1
Document createDocument (String namespaceURI, 
                String qualifiedName, 
                DocumentType doctype)

使用其文档元素创建指定类型的DOM Document对象。
请注意,根据为创建文档给出的DocumentType ,实现可能会实例化支持比“Core”更多特性的专用Document对象,如“HTML”[ DOM Level 2 HTML ]。 另一方面,在文档创建后设置DocumentType使得这种情况不太可能发生。 备选地,专业Document创建方法,例如createHTMLDocument [ DOM Level 2 HTML ],可以被用于获得特定类型的Document对象。

namespaceURI String: The namespace URI of the document element to create or null.
qualifiedName String: The qualified name of the document element to be created or null.
doctype DocumentType: The type of document to be created or null. When doctype is not null, its Node.ownerDocument attribute is set to the document being created.
Document A new Document object with its document element. If the NamespaceURI, qualifiedName, and doctype are null, the returned Document is empty with no document element.
DOMException INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: Raised if the specified qualified name is not an XML name according to [XML 1.0].
NAMESPACE_ERR: Raised if the qualifiedName is malformed, if the qualifiedName has a prefix and the namespaceURI is null, or if the qualifiedName is null and the namespaceURI is different from null, or if the qualifiedName has a prefix that is "xml" and the namespaceURI is different from "" [XML Namespaces] , or if the DOM implementation does not support the "XML" feature but a non-null namespace URI was provided, since namespaces were defined by XML.
WRONG_DOCUMENT_ERR: Raised if doctype has already been used with a different document or was created from a different implementation.
NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: May be raised if the implementation does not support the feature "XML" and the language exposed through the Document does not support XML Namespaces (such as [HTML 4.01]).


Added in API level 1
DocumentType createDocumentType (String qualifiedName, 
                String publicId, 
                String systemId)

创建一个空的DocumentType节点。 实体声明和符号不可用。 不会发生实体引用扩展和默认属性添加。

qualifiedName String: The qualified name of the document type to be created.
publicId String: The external subset public identifier.
systemId String: The external subset system identifier.
DocumentType A new DocumentType node with Node.ownerDocument set to null.
DOMException INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR: Raised if the specified qualified name is not an XML name according to [XML 1.0].
NAMESPACE_ERR: Raised if the qualifiedName is malformed.
NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR: May be raised if the implementation does not support the feature "XML" and the language exposed through the Document does not support XML Namespaces (such as [HTML 4.01]).


Added in API level 8
Object getFeature (String feature, 
                String version)

此方法返回一个专用对象,该对象实现指定功能和版本的专用API,如中指定。 专用对象也可以通过使用特定于绑定的投射方法来获得,但不一定如所讨论的那样。 此方法还允许实现提供不支持DOMImplementation接口的专用对象。

feature String: The name of the feature requested. Note that any plus sign "+" prepended to the name of the feature will be ignored since it is not significant in the context of this method.
version String: This is the version number of the feature to test.
Object Returns an object which implements the specialized APIs of the specified feature and version, if any, or null if there is no object which implements interfaces associated with that feature. If the DOMObject returned by this method implements the DOMImplementation interface, it must delegate to the primary core DOMImplementation and not return results inconsistent with the primary core DOMImplementation such as hasFeature, getFeature, etc.


Added in API level 1
boolean hasFeature (String feature, 
                String version)


feature String: The name of the feature to test.
version String: This is the version number of the feature to test.
boolean true if the feature is implemented in the specified version, false otherwise.
